
Dynamically generating queries with SQLAlchemy

I have a table containing Posts, with a number of columns. id, title, author, tags, timestamp

I'm trying to use SQLAlchemy to sort/filter these posts by each of the columns. For example, a user can decide they want to see all posts from author, with tags a, b, c, ordered by timestamp descending.

Is there a way to dynamically build a query starting from a simple

For example:

import sqlalchemy as sa

query =
if userProvidedAuthor:
    query.filter( == userProvidedAuthor)
if userProvidedOrder:
    if userProvidedDirection == 'asc':

results = session.execute(query)

Obviously this example won't run, but I hope it illustrates what I'm trying to do.

Some things I've considered:

Any ideas/help would be appreciated. For context, I'm trying to build a blog site in Flask as a learning project.


  • Some chaining will work. I don't think it makes much sense sometimes but you just have to keep re-assigning the result.

    import sqlalchemy as sa
    query =
    if userProvidedAuthor:
        query = query.where( == userProvidedAuthor)

    The docs demonstrate how repeated calls to where() produce an AND here: the-where-clause

    Usually it is better to just build up the major things yourself like conditions into a list then put them in all at once.

    Like (untested but should work):

    import sqlalchemy as sa
    where_args = []
    if userProvidedAuthor:
        where_args.append( == userProvidedAuthor)
    order_by_args = []
    if userProvidedOrder == 'timestamp':
    query =*where_args).order_by(*order_by_args)

    The SQLAlchemy 2.0 docs have a lot of great examples. The creator and maintainers put a lot of effort into them. Maybe try going through the tutorials while simultaneously working on the test project.