I have installed the Azure DevOps plugin for Rider on macOS, and I am trying to create a pull request from my local branch into the remote master branch up on DevOps. I was able to authenticate and clone the repo from the Open from Version Control dialog, and I can push to the upstream branch directly, but I can't find anything about creating a pull request.
I've looked in View -> Tool Windows as well as the whole Git menu, including the Push dialog, but nothing. The plugin is enabled and properly authenticated. Any insight as to what's going on?
I test the Azure DevOps plugin for Rider on Windows (I don't have a MacOS agent).
I found that I can search the keyword pull request
to find the option to create a pull request. Please try to search "Pull request" and see if it works on MacOS.
My steps:
Click the and create a pull request. It will show a Tip that the Pull request is created.
Click the Tip to navigate to the pull request page
I wonder where that option is actually located.
I searched "pull request" in the settings and found it should be located in Main Menu > Git > VCS Group > Git. But I didn't find it in the Main Menu.
Then in the settings > Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars, I found the option is located in "Vcs.MainMenu", but in the Main Menus's Git is shows options in "Git.MainMenu".
Luckly, I found we can Customize menus and toolbars. So, I added the "create a pull request" to "Git.MainMenu".
Now, I can see the "create a pull request" in the Main Menus > Git.
Do you know if it's possible to link it to work items?
Yes, you can add the #ID
in the description to link work items to the pull request.