We have a day setting class as follows:
public class DaySetting {
String businessDate;
Integer weekNo;
Integer monthNo;
And have standard work amount class:
public class StandardWorkAmount {
String jobType;
Integer workMinutes;
public String getJobType() {
return jobType;
public void setJobType(String jobType) {
this.jobType = jobType;
public Integer getWorkMinutes() {
return this.workMinutes;
public void setWorkMinutes(Integer workMinutes) {
this.workMinutes = workMinutes;
Now I want to iterate through ArrayList<StandardWorkAmount>standardWorkAmounts
and calculate the score.
Constraint daySettingStandardNumberOfHours(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(DaySetting.class)
.filter((daySetting)->daySetting.getStandardWorkAmounts()!= null)
// Iterate through daySetting.getStandardWorkAmounts and find the optimal choice.
.asConstraint("Day Settings Standard Number Hours");
How to achieve this?
Iteration through collections is not incremental and as such kills performance of the solver. (The slower the solver, the worse the solutions it will find within a given amount of time.)
Instead, add DaySetting
field to your StandardWorkAmount
, make sure your StandardWorkAmount
is registered as a problem fact, and then your constraint can be fully incremental like so:
Constraint daySettingStandardNumberOfHours(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(DaySetting.class)
Joiners.equal(Function.identity(), StandardWorkAmount::getDaySetting))