This seems as if it should be a no-brainer.
Here are the knowns. I know the datetime of a "ticket". I know its timezone because one of the properties of the Ticket is it's TimeZone as in
So I have TicketTime and Ticket Timezone. TicketTime will not necessarily local to the computer that this code will run on so I can't use LocalTime.
Windows should know whether it is DST/ST for any given date.
My client asks that we return all times as UTC time.
With the above, it shoudl be childs play to make this happen. But I can't get it figured out and I have not found an answer in here.
SysUtils, DateUtils;
function ConvertToUTC(LocalDateTime: TDateTime; TimeZoneID: string): TDateTime;
TZ: TTimeZone;
UTCOffset: TTimeSpan;
// Get the time zone information
if TimeZoneID = 'Local' then
TZ := TTimeZone.Local
TZ := TTimeZone.Create(TimeZoneID);
// Get the UTC offset for the given local datetime, considering DST
UTCOffset := TZ.GetUTCOffset(LocalDateTime);
// Adjust the local datetime to UTC
Result := LocalDateTime - UTCOffset.TotalDays;
procedure Test;
LocalDateTime, UTCDateTime: TDateTime;
TimeZoneID: string;
// Example local datetime
LocalDateTime:= dtpLocal.DateTime; // DateTime of ticket
// Specify the timezone ID (e.g., 'PST/PDT')
TimeZoneID := 'PST/PDT';
// Convert to UTC
UTCDateTime := ConvertToUTC(LocalDateTime, TimeZoneID);
// Output the result
WriteLn('Local DateTime: ', DateTimeToStr(LocalDateTime));
WriteLn('UTC DateTime: ', DateTimeToStr(UTCDateTime));
I found the above but it fails in multiple places. I have looked at TimeZoneInformation but cannot see how to pass in the Timezone or offset.
What I thought was a 10 minute script is leaving me like a ball in high weeds. Can I get a few lines to make this work?
It is simply
// Adjust the local datetime to UTC
Result := LocalDateTime - UTCOffset;
To elaborate a little and answer amigojacks comment:
TTimeSpan is a record which has a number of overloaded operators to allow you to interact with TDateTime records.
The particular one I am using here is
class operator subtract( const Left : TDateTime; Right : TTimeSpan ) : TDateTime;
That makes the syntax I have shown perfectly legal and meaningful.