
How can I convert a function cell into a string automatically?

I have a file with a concatenate formula, since I will share this file, I don't want people to struggle when they will copy the text (I suppose some of them will try to double click on the formula cell and see it, it is not what I want).

What I am trying to do is to automatically convert the cell formula into a text so it appears as if someone just write a text in a cell without any formula.

How can I do this?

Here is a file example. I tryed to use the TEXT function but it endend the same, unless it is possible to have like: a formula in a column that I hide that will send the result in the right column.


  • Your file can't be accessed. But you can use the hidden column with a formula like this:

    =HSTACK("Put anything here",YOUR FORMULA)

    For example, the formula would be put in A1, and say "Put anything here" in the A1 and the result of the formula in B1:

    enter image description here

    See what I get in B1:

    enter image description here