
How to parse search engine keywords input

I'm implementing a tool that lets users search for terms in texts. I'm currently focused on handling more complex input from the search.

The operators I am looking to support are :

This code should go into the Python backend that builds the query to the database engine, so I need a way to parse the query to transform the appropriate parts. Are there modules that would allow me to do that ?

I have tried looking at NLTK's logic package but it seems to do way too much things and it's not clear to me how to reduce it to these functions. I think I need something like NLTK's grammar trees but all I've found are packages that add grammatical tags and thus are tied to a language model.


  • I would use PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) or SLY to parse it.

    (PLY and SLY have the same author but PLY uses functions and SLY uses classes)

    I took example from SLY and created code which converts query like

    ^(abc & def) | xyz

    to nested list

    ['OR', ['NOT', ['AND', 'abc', 'def']], 'xyz']

    which should be easy to use to generate SQL query

    Other example(s):
    (A&B)|(^C&D) ==> ['OR', ['AND', 'A', 'B'], ['AND', ['NOT', 'C'], 'D']]

    I changed TEXT so it can catch A B C as one string without using " ".
    And if you use "A B C" then it returns it as one string without " ".
    But it allows to use " inside text (if there is no " at the beginning and at the end).

    A"B"C & "F G H" & I J K ==> ['AND', ['AND', 'A"B"C', 'F G H'], 'I J K'] `

    But it doesn't allow to use chars &|^!~() inside text. It would need some changes in TEXT and in functions.

    "A&B" ==> ['AND', 'A', 'B']

    I added

    from sly import Lexer, Parser
    import readline  # it allows to use keys `arrow up` `arrow down` to see previous queries in current session
    class QueryLexer(Lexer):
        tokens = { TEXT }
        ignore = ' \t'
        literals = { '&', '|', '^', '!', '~', '(', ')'}
        # Tokens
        #TEXT = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
        TEXT = r'[^&|^!~()]{1,}'  # at least one char which is not in `literals`
        def newline(self, t):
            self.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
        def error(self, t):
            print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0])
            self.index += 1
    class QueryParser(Parser):
        tokens = QueryLexer.tokens
        precedence = (
            ('left', '&', '|', '!', '~'),
            ('right', '^'),
        def statement(self, p):
            return p.expr
        @_('expr "&" expr')
        def expr(self, p):
            return ['AND', p.expr0, p.expr1]
        @_('expr "|" expr')
        def expr(self, p):
            return ['OR', p.expr0, p.expr1]
        @_('"^" expr', '"!" expr', '"~" expr')
        def expr(self, p):
            return ['NOT', p.expr]
        @_('"(" expr ")"')
        def expr(self, p):
            return p.expr
        def expr(self, p):
            return p.TEXT.strip(' ').strip('"')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        lexer = QueryLexer()
        parser = QueryParser()
        while True:
                text = input('query > ')
            except EOFError:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if text:
                result = parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(text))
                if isinstance(result, str):
                   print(f'text: >{result}<')  # I uses `> <` to see if there are spaces
                   print(f'list: {result}')
                   #import json
                   #print(json.dumps(result, indent=1))

    Here version with more modifications

    Original version converts A & B & C & D to ['AND', ['AND', ['AND', 'A', 'B'], 'C'], 'D'], and new version can use function flatten() to create ['AND', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D']

    If you send .flat or .notflat as query then it switch variable FLATTEN which decide if it should use flatten().

    I also added function which tries to convert it to SQL query with [VAR] LIKE "%text%"
    and for list ['AND', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] it gives string

    ([VAR] LIKE "%A%" AND [VAR] LIKE "%B%" AND [VAR] LIKE "%C%" AND [VAR] LIKE "%D%") 

    So you have to only replace [VAR] with your variable.

    But I don't know if I should add % automatically or user should ask A% & %B because it allows to check if text starts with A and ends with B

    Eventually user could use A* & *B & C and code should convert it to A% AND %B AND %C% (add % automatically if there is no * at both sides.

    I added also function which saves history in file and read it at next start.

    I added also json to display data as


    I added function .history (and shortcut .h) to see history.

    I also added function to select field like day:*h*day & title:Hello
    which gives (day LIKE "%h%day" AND title LIKE "%Hello%")

    from sly import Lexer, Parser
    import readline
    import atexit
    import os
    import json
    #COLOR = '\x1b[1;31m' # red
    COLOR = '\x1b[1;32m' # green
    RESET = '\x1b[m'
    BASE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    HISTORY_PATH = os.path.join(BASE, ".history")
    MAKE_FLAT = True
    class QueryLexer(Lexer):
        tokens = { TEXT }
        ignore = ' \t'
        literals = { '&', '|', '^', '!', '~', '(', ')'}
        # Tokens
        #WORD   = r'[^&|^!~()"]{1,}'      # at least one char which is not in `literals`
        #PHRASE = r'"[^"]*"'          
        TEXT = r'"[^"]*"|[^&|^!~()]{1,}'  # at least one char which is not in `literals`
        def newline(self, t):
            self.lineno += t.value.count('\n')
        def error(self, t):
            print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0])
            self.index += 1
    class QueryParser(Parser):
        tokens = QueryLexer.tokens
        precedence = (
            ('left', '&', '|', '!', '~'),
            ('right', '^'),
        def statement(self, p):
            return p.expr
        @_('expr "&" expr')
        def expr(self, p):
            result = ['AND', p.expr0, p.expr1]
            if MAKE_FLAT:
                result = flatten(result)
            return result
        @_('expr "|" expr')
        def expr(self, p):
            result = ['OR', p.expr0, p.expr1]
            if MAKE_FLAT:
                result = flatten(result)
            return result
        @_('"^" expr', '"!" expr', '"~" expr')
        def expr(self, p):
            return ['NOT', p.expr]
        @_('"(" expr ")"')
        def expr(self, p):
            return p.expr
        def expr(self, p):
            return p.TEXT.strip(' ')
    def flatten(data):
        key = data[0]
        values = []
        for item in data[1:]:
            if isinstance(item, list) and item[0] == key:
        return [key, *values]
    def generate(data):
        if isinstance(data, str):
            text = data
            var  = DEFAULT_VAR
            if not text.startswith('"') and (':' in text):
                var, text = text.split(':', 1)
                print(var, text)
            text = text.strip('"')
            if '*' in text:
               text = text.replace('*', '%')
            if '%' not in text:
               text = f'%{text}%'
            return f'{var} LIKE "{text}"'
        key = data[0]
        values = data[1:]
        if key in ['NOT']:
            text = data[1]
            var  = DEFAULT_VAR
            if not text.startswith('"') and (':' in text):
                var, text = text.split(':', 1)
                print(var, text)
            text = text.strip('"')
            if '*' in text:
                text = text.replace('*', '%')
            if '%' not in text:           
                text = f'%{text}%'
            return f'{var} NOT LIKE "{text}"'
        if key in ['AND', 'OR']:
            key = f' {key} '  # add spaces
            # convert to `var LIKE value`
            values = [generate(item) for item in values]
            # join using AND, OR
            text = key.join(values)
            text = str(data)
        return f'({text})'  # add ( )
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # read history at the beginning    
        except FileNotFoundError:
        # write history at the end
        atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, HISTORY_PATH)
        lexer = QueryLexer()
        parser = QueryParser()
        number = 0    
        while True:
                number += 1
                text = input(f'[{number}] {COLOR}query >{RESET} ')
            except EOFError:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if text:
                result = parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(text))
                if isinstance(result, str):
                    print(f'text: >{result}<')  # I uses `> <` to see if there are spaces
                    cmd = result.split(' ')
                    if cmd[0] in ('.history', '.h') :
                        for index in range(1, readline.get_current_history_length()+1):
                            print(f'[{index}]', readline.get_history_item(index))
                    elif cmd[0] in ('.flat', '.f'):
                        MAKE_FLAT = True
                        print('MAKE_FLAT:', MAKE_FLAT)
                    elif cmd[0] == ('.notflat', '.nf'):
                        MAKE_FLAT = False
                        print('MAKE_FLAT:', MAKE_FLAT)
                    elif cmd[0] in ('.var', '.v'):
                        if len(cmd) > 1:
                            DEFAULT_VAR = cmd[1]
                        print('DEFAULT_VAR:', DEFAULT_VAR)
                        print(f'data: {result}')
                        print(json.dumps(result, indent=1))
                    print(f'data: {result}')
                    print(json.dumps(result, indent=1))


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