
Flutter ios: universal links is not working - No devices are booted

I tried to use deep link in my flutter project.

Since https link process is quite complicated in Android, I will use custom scheme for Android and https scheme for ios.

Android is well set and I check it booted android device well with url.

However, ios is not working.

  1. I deploy website domain/.well-known/apple-app-site-association.
  "applinks": {
    "details": [
        "appID": "appID.bundleID",
        "paths": [
  1. I set Associated Domains in Signing & Capabilities.

enter image description here

  1. I also set FlutterDeepLinkingEnabled to YES in Info file.

enter image description here

But when I run xcrun simctl openurl booted https://domain from terminal after installing debug file in real ios device, It throws error No devices are booted..

enter image description here

I've done almost all setting as searching regarding universal links of ios.. but it is not linked at all.

Please help me.


  • xcrun simctl is a command line for iOS Simulator. If you are testing on a real device you gotta open it directly from your browser.