
Save Object file (executable file exe) to a predefined folder

I have manually inserted this file “ABC.exe” as an Object in excel workbook in sheet name e.g “Board”.
In NameBox the Object has name Object 1 and in Formula Bar =EMBED("Packager Shell Object","")
I can manually right-click on the cited object and choose Copy and then Paste on a predefined folder without any issue or warning message.
I need to automate the process of (Copy and Paste) using VBA.

This code copy the OLeObject to Clipboard successfully:

Sub Copy_OleObject_to_Clipboard()
   Dim ws As Worksheet:  Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Dim ole As OLEObject
     Set ole = ws.OLEObjects(1)
End Sub

Indeed, I also have tried ChatGPT , But none of his answers have worked correctly.


  • Please, try the next solution. I adapted a piece of code returning embedded pdf files and maybe some comments remained related to its previous scope.

    1. After embedding the EXE files use 'Alt Text' from the right click object context menu (formatObject...) , and place there the EXE file name.

    2. The workbook where from to be extracted embedded EXE files, must be closed. The following code warns about it if you do not take care...

    3. Since, as stated above, the workbook having embedded exe files must be closed, the next code must be copied in a xlsm, xlsb, xlsa file and run it from there. Basically, it saves a copy of the workbook, but with zip extension (in fact workbook type xlsx, xlsm, xlsa etc. are such archives containing many xml files and objects. The code firstly extracts the files from archive \xl\worksheets, processes them to extract a logical association between the bin files in \xl\embeddings and the EXE name extracted from worksheets xml files. Then, it binary open the found bin files, and processes them to become correct EXE files.

    4. Please, create a Public variable on top of a standard module (in the declarations area):

       Public ExpArr()
    1. Now, copy the next code in a standard module:
    Sub ExtractEmbeddedEXEFiles() 
        Dim retFolder As String, embWB As String, zipName As String, oShell As Object, arrO, i As Long
        retFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Extracted Embeded EXE files" 'folder where to process and return extracted exe files
        embWB = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\EXE Embedded wb.xlsm" 'wb containing embedded exe file(s) full name
        ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\EXE Embedded wb.xlsm"
        zipName = left(embWB, InStrRev(embWB, ".")) & "zip"
         If Dir(retFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Then 'if the folder where to save EXE files does not exist
            MkDir retFolder                                      'it is created
         End If
        'Deleting any previously created files, if any:
        On Error Resume Next
          Kill zipName
          Kill retFolder & "\*.*"
          Kill retFolder & "\_rels\*.*"
          RmDir retFolder & "\_rels\"
        On Error GoTo 0
        'Copy/rename the Excel file changing extension to zip:
        On Error Resume Next
           FileCopy embWB, zipName
           If Err.number = 70 Then        'error in case of workbook being open:
                Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0
                MsgBox "Please, close the workbook where from the embedded EXE files to be extracted." & vbCrLf & _
                               "A zipped copy cannot be created...", vbInformation, "Need to close the workbook": Exit Sub
           End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        Dim flsWsh As Object, fileNameInZip As Variant
        Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        Set flsWsh = oShell.NameSpace(oShell.NameSpace((zipName)).Items.item(("xl\worksheets")))
        For Each fileNameInZip In oShell.NameSpace(flsWsh).Items
                oShell.NameSpace((retFolder)).CopyHere _
        getOLEObjSheetsREL retFolder 'build the array which matches any .bin oleObject with the extracted EXE name
        For i = 0 To UBound(ExpArr) 'copy the bin file in a separate place
            arrO = Split(ExpArr(i), "|") 'split the matching array elements by "|" to extract bin name in relation with EXE name
            oShell.NameSpace((retFolder)).CopyHere oShell.NameSpace((zipName)).Items.item("xl\embeddings\" & arrO(0))
            ReadAndWriteExtractedBinFile_Exe retFolder & "\" & arrO(0), retFolder, CStr(arrO(1))
        Next i
        On Error Resume Next 'clear the working folder, to remain only extracted exe files
          Kill zipName
          Kill retFolder & "\*.bin"
          Kill retFolder & "\*.xml"
          Kill retFolder & "\_rels\*.*"
          RmDir retFolder & "\_rels\"
        On Error GoTo 0
        MsgBox "Ready..."
        shell "explorer.exe" & " " & retFolder, vbNormalFocus
    End Sub
    Sub ReadAndWriteExtractedBinFile_Exe(s As String, TmpPath, Optional pdfName As String = "")
        Dim byteFile As Long, byt As Byte, fileName As String, firstByte As Long, lastByte As Long
        Dim MyAr() As Byte, NewAr() As Byte, i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
        byteFile = FreeFile:  j = 1
        Dim fLen As Long: fLen = FileLen(s)
        ReDim MyAr(1 To fLen + 1)
        Open s For Binary Access Read As byteFile 'Open the bin file
            Do While Not EOF(byteFile) 'loop untill the last line (count the file bytes)
                Get byteFile, , byt
                MyAr(j) = byt:  j = j + 1
                If j > 7 Then
                  If Hex(MyAr(j - 4)) = "4D" And Hex(MyAr(j - 3)) = "5A" And _
                               Hex(MyAr(j - 2)) = 90 And MyAr(j - 1) = 0 Then
                       firstByte = j - 4: ' first byte to be used in the returned byte array
                  End If
                  If MyAr(j - 6) = 0 And MyAr(j - 5) = 0 And MyAr(j - 4) = 0 And _
                        Hex(MyAr(j - 3)) = 43 And MyAr(j - 2) = 0 And Hex(MyAr(j - 1)) = "3A" Then
                        lastByte = j - 2: Exit Do 'last byte to be used
                  End If
                End If
        Close byteFile
        Dim oStream As Object 'solution to speed up writing the binary array...
        Set oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        oStream.Type = 1
        'build the correct byte array without bytes up to exe file real start:
        ReDim NewAr(1 To lastByte - firstByte + 1)
        k = 1
        For j = firstByte To lastByte
            NewAr(k) = MyAr(j):  k = k + 1
        Next j
        oStream.Write NewAr
        'byteFile = FreeFile
        'Set the exe file to be saved name:
        If pdfName = "" Then 'if no pdfName parameter, it builds a unique name:
            fileName = TmpPath & "\" & Format(Now, "ddmmyyhhmmss") & ".exe"
           fileName = TmpPath & "\" & pdfName  'this solution uses only the extracted (from OLEObject) name
        End If
        'Write the new (exe) binary file:
        If isArrLoaded(NewAr()) Then 'only for EXE (bin) embedded files:
            oStream.SaveToFile fileName, 2 ' 2 to overWrite
            'If by mistake a not appropriate bin file has been choosen:
            Debug.Print "The object is not of exe type..." 'theoretically, this line should never be reached
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub getOLEObjSheetsREL(strPath As String)
       Dim patt As String: patt = "oleObject\d{1,3}.bin"
       Dim strFold As String, strFile As String, strText As String
       Dim fso As Object, ts As Object, arrOLE, arrOLEC(1), arrTot, i As Long
       strFold = strPath & "\_rels\" 'copied folder (from archive) keeping sheets and OLEObjects information
       ReDim arrTot(0)
       strFile = Dir(strFold & "*.rels")
       Do While strFile <> "" 'iterate between all existing files
             Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
             Set ts = fso.getFile(strFold & strFile).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
                  strText = ts.ReadAll  'read their content
             arrOLE = getOLEObj(strText, patt) 'extract an array linking OLEObject to EXE file name(s)
             If arrOLE(0) <> "" Then
                arrOLEC(0) = left(strFile, Len(strFile) - 5): arrOLEC(1) = arrOLE
                BubbleSort arrOLEC(1) 'sort the array
                arrTot(i) = arrOLEC: i = i + 1: ReDim Preserve arrTot(i)
             End If
             strFile = Dir()
        ReDim Preserve arrTot(i - 1)
        getOLEObjects arrTot, strPath 'returning an array linking the bin object to EXE file(s) to be saved file  name
    End Sub
    Function getOLEObj(strTxt As String, strPatt As String) As Variant
        Dim objOccurr As Object, objOcc, arr, k As Long
         With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
             .Global = True            'Get all matches.
             .pattern = strPatt        'Search for any string that contains the pattern entered in quotes. .
             If .TEST(strTxt) Then
                Set objOccurr = .Execute(strTxt)
                ReDim arr(objOccurr.count - 1)
                For Each objOcc In objOccurr
                    arr(k) = objOcc: k = k + 1
                getOLEObj = arr
                getOLEObj = Array("")
            End If
       End With
    End Function
    Private Sub getOLEObjects(arrOLE As Variant, strPath As String)
       Dim strFile As String, strText As String
       Dim fso As Object, ts As Object, j As Long
       Dim arr, frstTxt As String, el, i As Long, strName As String, PrID As String
       Dim k As Long: ReDim ExpArr(100)
       Const strObj As String = "oleObject"
       For j = 0 To UBound(arrOLE)
             strFile = strPath & "\" & arrOLE(j)(0)
             Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
             Set ts = fso.getFile(strFile).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
                  strText = ts.ReadAll
            arr = extractBetweenChars(strText, "<oleObject progId=", "<\/mc:Fallback>")
            For Each el In arr
                  strName = extractBetweenChars(CStr(el), "altText=""", """ r:id")(0)
                  PrID = extractBetweenChars(CStr(el), """", """")(0)
                  If PrID = "Packager Shell Object" Then i = i + 1 'alt raspuns pentru exe
                  If strName <> "" Then
                       If InStr(strName, ".exe") > 0 Then 'for exe files
                              ExpArr(k) = strObj & i & ".bin" & "|" & strName: k = k + 1
                       End If
                  End If
      Next j
      'keep only the elements having values:
      If k > 0 Then
            ReDim Preserve ExpArr(k - 1)
           Erase ExpArr
     End If
    End Sub
    Private Function extractBetweenChars(prevString As String, startCh As String, endCh As String) As Variant
         Dim objOccurr As Object, objOcc, arr, k As Long
         With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
             .Global = True                                   'Get all matches.
             .pattern = startCh & "((.|\n)*?)" & endCh        'Search for any string that contains the pattern entered in quotes. .
             'if boolglobal then extractbetweenchars =
             If .TEST(prevString) Then
                Set objOccurr = .Execute(prevString)
                ReDim arr(objOccurr.count - 1)
                For Each objOcc In objOccurr
                    arr(k) = objOcc.subMatches(0): k = k + 1
                    'arr(k) = Replace(Replace(objOcc, startCh, ""), Replace(endCh, "\", ""), ""): k = k + 1
                extractBetweenChars = arr
                'Debug.Print "Not matched"
                extractBetweenChars = Array("")
            End If
       End With
    End Function
    Private Function isArrLoaded(arr() As Byte) As Boolean
        If Not Not arr() Then isArrLoaded = True
    End Function
    Private Sub BubbleSort(arr)
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, temp
        For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) - 1
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(arr)
                If arr(i) > arr(j) Then
                    temp = arr(i): arr(i) = arr(j)
                    arr(j) = temp
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End Sub

    Please, test it and send some feedback.

    I tested on two embedded EXE files and it was able to return them. I did not test it extensively, so I need your feedback. I tried finding HEX elements to extract only the necessary part from the bin files in order to rebuild the EXE file.

    It worked in my those two cases...

    Since is a big code and some Sub(s), Functions exist in different modules I maybe missed something. I do not think so, but it may not be impossible...


    Please, test this simpler way able to extract the embedded object as it was embedded. I mean, even without extension...

    Even if I think that this method will not be considered by your antivirus as a threat. Is looks as a simple copy - paste action. But this is just a supposition.

    1. Please copy the next API function on top of a standard module (in the declarations area) of the workbook containing the embedded exe file:
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable Lib "user32" (ByVal wFormat As Long) As Long
    1. In the same standard module, please paste the next code:
    Sub Extract_All_EmbededObjectsFromClipboard() 'It works...
      Dim strPath As String: strPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Embedded Objects" 'the folder where to return the extracted file
      If Dir(strPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then 'if the folder where to save EXE files does not exist
          MkDir strPath                       'it is created
      End If
      Dim oleObj As OLEObject, boolOK As Boolean
      For Each oleObj In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
        boolOK = EmbededObjectFromClipboard(strPath)
      Next oleObj
      RenameEXEFiles strPath
      If boolOK Then
            Shell "explorer.exe" & " " & strPath, vbNormalFocus
      End If
    End Sub
    Sub RenameEXEFiles(strPath As String) ' it works only for extracted EXE files (to place ".exe" if it is missing
     Dim fileName As String
     fileName = Dir(strPath & "\*.*")
     Do While fileName <> ""
        Debug.Print fileName
        If Right(fileName, 4) <> ".exe" Then
            If FileExists(strPath & "\" & fileName & ".exe") Then
                Name strPath & "\" & fileName As strPath & "\" & fileName & "_.exe"
                Name strPath & "\" & fileName As strPath & "\" & fileName & ".exe"
            End If
        End If
        fileName = Dir
    End Sub
    Private Function FileExists(ByVal fname As String) As Boolean
        On Error Resume Next
          FileExists = ((GetAttr(fname) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory)
        On Error GoTo 0: Err.Clear
    End Function
    Function EmbededObjectFromClipboard(DestinationFolder As String) As Boolean
        EmbededObjectFromClipboard = False
        If Not CBool(IsClipboardFormatAvailable(49162)) Then Exit Function '49162 is Format ID for Embeded Object!
        CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(CVar(DestinationFolder)).Self.InvokeVerb "Paste"
        EmbededObjectFromClipboard = True
    End Function

    And run TestEmbededObjectFromClipboard. It will copy the "Object `" embedded file to the nominated folder. Even if does not have any extension. It looks copying binary...

    The updated code add ".exe" to the extracted files, if they do not have it... But is should be obvious that it works only if you try extracting EXE files. Without extension there is no VBA method to understand what kind of file is it about. Or, it is very complicated (binary reading the file and search for some markers...)...

    Edited again:

    A way to return all files from a folder is the next one:

    Private Function getAllFiles(strFold As String, Optional strExt As String = "*.*") As Variant
        Dim arrD
        arrD = Split(CreateObject("wscript.shell").exec("cmd /c dir """ & strFold & strExt & """ /b").StdOut.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
        arrD(UBound(arrD)) = "@@##": arrD = Filter(arrD, "@@##", False) 'remove the last (empty) array elem
        getAllFiles = arrD
    End Function
    'a sub to test it:
    Sub testGetAllFiles()
     Debug.Print Join(getAllFiles(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"), vbCrLf)
    End Sub