This is my Testbench for a design and I am applying inputs to the design using the function '$readmemb'. I have opened a file using '$fopen' and wish to write the result 'out' in the file named 'jaja.txt' but I am unable to do so.
Sometimes the file 'jaja.txt' shows nothing and sometimes don't care 'x'.
module trimmed_tb();
reg clk,rst; // clock and reset
reg [7:0]P;
wire [7:0]out;
reg [12:0] vectornum; // bookkeeping variables
reg [7:0] testvectors[4096:1]; //array of testvectors
integer outfile;
//instantiate device under test
median_fil_final dut(.clk(clk),.rst(rst),.P(P),.out(out));
// generate clock
always #5 clk=~clk;
// at start of test, load vectors
$readmemb("C:/Users/OneDrive/Desktop/Noisy_pixels.mem",testvectors); // Read vectors
outfile = $fopen("C:/Users/OneDrive/Desktop/jaja.txt","w");
vectornum = 0;
// apply test vectors on rising edge of clk
always @(posedge clk)
P = testvectors[vectornum];
// increment index on falling edge of clk
always @(negedge clk)begin
vectornum = vectornum + 1; // read next vector
if (testvectors[vectornum] === 8'bx)
$display("tests completed");
$finish;// End simulation
initial begin
I tried writing to the file by putting the '$fdisplay' in the negedge clk block and then with the '$fclose'.
I am expecting to get my 'out' result to be written in the 'jaja.txt' file.
The first thing you do at t=0 in this process is to close outfile
initial begin
The testbench will not be able to write anything to outfile at any edge of the clock because you closed the outfile at t=0.
Looking closer, there is actually a race at t=0 because you open it in another process at t=0. Its logically ambiguous if it will get opened or closed first. I would resolve this by opening and cloning in the same process (begin-end block).
Close the outfile when the testbench is done, maybe just before $finish.
The testbench has other problems but this one is directly stopping the writes, in an ambigious way; the outcome of the race can vary. Either in never gets opened or never closed.
Another issue
Your clock generator is not generating any clocks
// generate clock
always #5 clk=~clk;
Variable clk is never initialized, it starts as x, and not x is x.
One solution is to use this construct
initial begin
clk = 0;
#5 clk = ~clk;