
I need to send an http request from Laravel 10 to cPanel UAPI to create a new email

According to the cPanel documentation:

To call a UAPI function with an API token, run the following command from the command line:

curl -H'Authorization: cpanel username:APITOKEN' ''
Item Description Example
username The cPanel account's username. username
APITOKEN The API token. U7HMR63FGY292DQZ4H5BFH16JLYMO01M Your cPanel server's domain
Module The API module name. Email
function The API function's name. add_pop
parameter The function's input parameters. email
value The value to assign to the input parameter. 12345luggage

For example, your command may resemble the following example:

curl -H'Authorization: cpanel username:U7HMR63FHY282DQZ4H5BIH16JLYSO01M' ''

I also created the following function in my controller:

public function test()
    $response = Http::post('' ,[
        'username' => 'holidays',
        'Module' => 'Email',
        'function' => 'add_pop',
        'parameter' => 'email',
        'value' => 'test',
    return $response;
    // dd($response);

How can I send a request correctly to cPanel to create a new email and get a successful message in Laravel 10?

Thank you


  • You need to use headers in Laravel HTTP.

    So the correct code will be:

    public function test()
        $response = Http::withHeaders('Authorization', 'cpanel holidays:XPA6V9NSZ5JGKXU5VE2X214U53WROFI0')
            ->post('' ,[
                'Module' => 'Email',
                'function' => 'add_pop',
                'parameter' => 'email',
                'value' => 'test',
        return $response;
        // dd($response);