
"Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)" when use vector of future


As a freshmen to binance-websocket api and std::future using. I write a program to test the time difference between localhost and the binance server, and to get the net delay.

I push my code to my github repository ws_binance_time_diff_delay

I have 2 problems.

Problem 1.

It can not run completely.

It shows:

type of future_example is class std::future<class std::vector<__int64,class std::allocator<__int64> > >
test group num 10; remain num 90
1718697921760; 1718697921956; 1718697918073;
1718697921763; 1718697921957; 1718697918073;
1718697921763; 1718697921957; 1718697918073;
1718697921763; 1718697921957; 1718697918073;

And it is neither responding nor terminated then.

Problem 2.

In the file ws_diff_delay.cpp, on the line 84 and 85. If I use the former, it shows:

type of future_example is class std::future<class std::vector<__int64,class std::allocator<__int64> > >
test group num 10; remain num 90
1718698034095; 1718698034251; 1718698030291;
1718698034095; 1718698034314; 1718698030342;
1718698034095; 1718698034314; 1718698030342;

Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)

It terminates by itself and shows a message of stackoverflow "Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)".

I debugged and traced it to line 97.

It stop on the assemble file debug_assamble at line 24

subl   $0xd8, %esp
movq   0x2e3942(%rip), %rax
xorq   %rsp, %rax
movq   %rax, 0xc0(%rsp)
andq   $0x0, 0x28(%rsp)
leaq   -0x26(%rip), %rax          ; RaiseException
andl   $0x1, %edx
movl   %ecx, 0x20(%rsp)
movl   %edx, 0x24(%rsp)
movq   %rax, 0x30(%rsp)
testq  %r9, %r9
je     0x18004468a
movl   $0xf, %eax
leaq   0x40(%rsp), %rcx
cmpl   %eax, %r8d
movq   %r9, %rdx
cmovbel %r8d, %eax
movl   %eax, %r8d
movl   %r8d, 0x38(%rsp)
shlq   $0x3, %r8
callq  0x1800b7c77
leaq   0x20(%rsp), %rcx
callq  *0x1f864c(%rip)
nopl   (%rax,%rax)
movq   0xc0(%rsp), %rcx
xorq   %rsp, %rcx
callq  0x1800af760
addq   $0xd8, %rsp
andl   $0x0, 0x38(%rsp)
jmp    0x180044660
jno    0x18004465c
popq   %rbx

The scene before exception is Scene before exception

What is the difference between line 84 and line 85.

I print the type on line 72 to make sure the type is correct.


  • 0xc0000409 means STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN

    Running your code with sanitizers:

    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address,undefined ")

    Quickly diagnoses some issues:

    enter image description here

    Clearly some buffer isn't valid for the duration of the write operation.

    I refactored your code to be readable: https://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/079b4b92556cd365

    Regardless, you're creating wild threads that all use the same websocket without any synchronization. That's both bad and useless.

    Did you mean to repeatedly request on the same thread or did you mean to test with several client connections in parallel?

    Refactored For Parallel Batches

    Where each batch is necessary sequential because to run on a single client:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/asio.hpp>
    #include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
    #include <boost/beast.hpp>
    #include <boost/beast/websocket/ssl.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <rapidjson/document.h>
    #include <fmt/chrono.h>
    #include <fmt/ranges.h>
    static inline void printVector(auto const& v) { fmt::print("printVector: {}\n", v); }
    // using Sample  = std::array<int64_t, 3>;
    struct Sample { int64_t pre, post, server; };
    using Samples = std::vector<Sample>;
    using Message = std::shared_ptr<std::string const>;
    static Message default_message() {
        static auto instance = std::make_shared<std::string>(R"({"id":1,"method":"time"})");
        return instance;
    namespace asio      = boost::asio;
    namespace ssl       = asio::ssl;
    namespace websocket = boost::beast::websocket;
    using tcp           = asio::ip::tcp;
    using error_code    = boost::system::error_code;
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    struct Args {
        std::string host   = "testnet.binance.vision";
        std::string port   = "443";
        std::string target = "/ws-api/v3";
    class Client {
        using tcp = asio::ip::tcp;
        Args const                                  args;
        ssl::context                                ctx{ssl::context::sslv23_client};
        asio::io_context                            ioc;
        websocket::stream<ssl::stream<tcp::socket>> ws{ioc, ctx};
        Client(Args args = {}) : args(std::move(args)) { connect(); }
        ~Client() {
            error_code ec;
            ws.close(websocket::close_code::normal, ec);
            if (ec.failed())
                std::cerr << "~Client: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
        std::string request(Message msg) {
            std::string response;
            auto buf = asio::dynamic_buffer(response);
            return response;
        void connect() {
            tcp::resolver resolver(ioc);
            if (!SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ws.next_layer().native_handle(), args.host.c_str()))
                throw boost::system::system_error{
                    error_code{static_cast<int>(::ERR_get_error()), asio::error::get_ssl_category()}};
            auto results = resolver.resolve(args.host, args.port);
            asio::connect(ws.next_layer().next_layer(), results);
            ws.set_option(websocket::stream_base::decorator([](websocket::request_type& req) {
                        std::string(BOOST_BEAST_VERSION_STRING) + " websocket-client-coro");
            ws.handshake(args.host, args.target);
    namespace Benchmark {
        using clock      = std::chrono::system_clock;
        using time_point = clock::time_point;
        int64_t getTimeStamp() { return clock::now().time_since_epoch() / 1ms; }
        std::optional<int64_t> get_server_time(std::string const& msg) {
            rapidjson::Document doc;
            if (!doc.HasParseError() && doc.IsObject() && doc.HasMember("result"))
                if (auto const& result = doc["result"];
                    result.IsObject() && result.HasMember("serverTime") && result["serverTime"].IsInt64())
                    return result["serverTime"].GetInt64();
            std::cerr << "Unexpected or invalid response" << std::endl;
            return {};
        std::pair<double, double> calculateTimeDiffDelaySub(Samples const& samples) {
            double diff{0.};
            double delay{0.};
            if (!samples.empty()) {
                for (auto& [pre, post, server] : samples) {
                    diff  += (pre + post - (server * 2)) * 0.5;
                    delay += (post - pre) / 2.0;
                diff  /= samples.size();
                delay /= samples.size();
            return std::pair(diff, delay);
        Samples perform_batch(Args const& args, unsigned n, Message msg) {
            Samples samples;
            try {
                Client client(args);
                for (Client c(args); n--;) {
                    int64_t     pre  = getTimeStamp();
                    std::string res  = client.request(msg);
                    int64_t     post = getTimeStamp();
                    if (std::optional<int64_t> server_time = get_server_time(res))
                        samples.push_back({pre, post, server_time.value()});
                        throw std::runtime_error("No server time in response");
            } catch (boost::system::system_error const& se) {
                std::cerr << "Error in perform_batch: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
            return samples;
        std::pair<double, double> run(Args const& args, unsigned total = 100, unsigned pergroup = 10,
                                                        Message msg = default_message()) {
            std::vector<std::future<Samples>> futs{};
            for (unsigned remain{total}; unsigned batch = std::min(remain, pergroup); remain -= batch) {
                std::cout << "batch " << batch << "; remain " << remain << std::endl;
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < batch; ++i)
                    futs.emplace_back(std::async(std::launch::async, perform_batch, args, batch, msg));
            Samples merged;
            for (auto& fut : futs) {
                auto one = fut.get();
                merged.insert(merged.end(), one.begin(), one.end());
            return calculateTimeDiffDelaySub(merged);
    int main() {
        Args args {"ws-api.binance.com", "443", "/ws-api/v3"};
        std::cout << Client(args).request(default_message()) << std::endl;
        auto const& [diff, delay] = Benchmark::run(args, 20, 4);
        std::cout << std::fixed;
        std::cout << "diff=" << diff << " delay=" << delay << std::endl;

    Spurious errors during Client's destructor indicate that we might run into rate limiting. I'll leave that up to you to diagnose:

    enter image description here