I have a module to work in bmi_minion (which is inside a container that is works in Kubernetes) to fetch some data. for this main module, I've written some custom libs which are stored in the same dir as the main module (/srv/salt/_modules).
My custom lib script is like below.
import subprocess
import json
import os
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
CACHE_FILE_PATH = '/tmp/cache_hw_type_data.json'
class SystemInfoCollector:
def execute_shell_cmd(cmd):
def get_ipmi_sdr_list():
def get_dmidecode_list(option='sys'):
def get_ras_data(*args, option=''):
def get_system_info(*args, option='os'):
class HWTypeCacheData:
def load_hw_type_from_cache():
def save_data_to_cache(hw_type):
def get_hw_type():
My issue is, when I import this script as a lib in my main salt module, and ran the same by targeting the ms_minion, I'm facing issue like mentioned below.
My Main salt module
import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from iaas_asset_manager.device42.client import Device42Client
from dimm_constants import DIMMConstants, DIMMMapping
from system_info_collector import SystemInfoCollector, HWTypeCacheData
log = logging.getLogger(__file__)
__virtualname__ = "dimm_errors"
CACHE_FILE_PATH = '/tmp/cache_hw_type_data.json'
def __virtual__():
return __virtualname__
def _get_hardware_info():
# Retrieve hardware information like make, model, and serial number
dmidecode_bm_data = SystemInfoCollector.get_dmidecode_list(option='sys')
bm_data = {}
for data in dmidecode_bm_data:
key = data.split(':')[0].strip()
if key == 'Manufacturer':
Error I'm getting when I target the minion
arun.srinivasan@dcim-fault-detection-none-20069166:/srv/salt/_modules$ sudo salt 'salt.bmi_minion.20083693' dimm_errors
'dimm_errors' __virtual__ returned False: cannot import name 'HWTypeCacheData' from 'system_info_collector' (/var/cache/salt/minion/extmods/modules/system_info_collector.py)
Note: If I separate the custom lib script into two files containing both classes separately, importing is working fine.
What is the issue with current structure of these files?
I figured out the issue. Sometimes, custom libs are imported and cached in the memory. After new edits, we need to do sync_all, state.apply and restart minion. Unless restarted, new changes are not applied to the minions.