I'm trying to translate some Python code to C++, and I run into this code:
self.net = cv.dnn.readNetFromDarknet(cfg_file, weights_file)
self.ln = self.net.getLayerNames()
self.ln = [self.ln[i-1] for i in self.net.getUnconnectedOutLayers()]
blob = cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1/255.0, (416, 416), swapRB=True, crop=False)
outputs = self.net.forward(self.ln)
outputs = np.vstack(outputs)
As you can see, the code is taking the output from net forward from the unconnected layer names that are specified in self.ln. Now here is my C++ code:
static Mat blobFromImg;
bool swapRB = true;
blobFromImage(img, blobFromImg, 1/255.0, Size(416, 416), Scalar(), swapRB, false);
Mat outMat;
network.forward(outMat , network.getUnconnectedOutLayersNames());
vconcat(outMat, outMat);
As you can see, I am using cv::vconcat
in place of np.vstack
instead of making a new std::vector<<cv::String>>
to pass to network.forward()
. I use getUnconnectedOutLayersNames()
. Yet I get this error:
OpenCV(4.8.0) Error: The function/feature is not implemented () in cv::debug_build_guard::_OutputArray::assign, file D:\vcpkg\buildtrees\opencv4\src\4.8.0-2bf495557d.clean\modules\core\src\matrix_wrap.cpp, line 2052
The line where the exception occurs is network.forward()
. It is because of this method that network.getUnconnectedOutLayersNames()
doesn't give the exception by itself.
If I do:
std::vector<cv::String> ln;
auto layers = network.getLayerNames();
for (auto i : network.getUnconnectedOutLayers()){
Mat outMat;
network.forward(outMat , ln);
vconcat(outMat, outMat);
I get the same result.
Why is the function not implemented? Why does Python have this implementation.
Note: I am using darknet/yolo.
Based on the context, we're dealing with the following overload of cv::dnn::Net::forward
, the documentation of which says:
void cv::dnn::Net::forward(OutputArrayOfArrays outputBlobs, const std::vector<String>& outBlobNames)
contains blobs for first outputs of specified layers.outBlobNames
names for layers which outputs are needed to get
The problem is with the first parameter outputBlobs
The documentation tells us about cv::OutputArrayOfArrays
that it's an alias for
typedef OutputArray OutputArrayOfArrays;
Other than that, there's not much to be found on that page. For the more useful information, we need to look at the documentation of cv::_InputArray
that it derives from:
... can be constructed from ...,
There is another related type,
, which is currently defined as a synonym forInputArray
typedef InputArray InputArrayOfArrays;
It denotes function arguments that are either vectors of vectors or vectors of matrices. A separate synonym is needed to generate Python/Java etc. wrappers properly. At the function implementation level their use is similar, but
should be used to get header for the idx-th component of the outer vector and_InputArray::size().area()
should be used to find the number of components (vectors/matrices) of the outer vector.
And suddenly it becomes clear. We're calling the function with a sequence a layer names, we should be getting back a sequence of blobs. We know that a blob can be represented as a 4D cv::Mat
. A sequence of those in C++ would be a vector
of Mat
s: std::vector<cv::Mat>
. So, change the first parameter of forward
to be that type. And as you say "that worked perfectly".