I am trying to read file from localstack s3 and getting below error
"message":"Error reading file from S3: null (Service: S3, Status Code: 502, Request ID: null)","exception":"","level_value":40000
Even i tried with single class locally it's working fine
enter code here public static void main(String[] args) {
AwsBasicCredentials credentials = AwsBasicCredentials.create("test", "test");
StaticCredentialsProvider staticCredentialsProvider =
S3Client s3Client =
GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest =
ResponseBytes<GetObjectResponse> response = s3Client.getObjectAsBytes(getObjectRequest);
Can anyone help here why am i getting 502 in docker.
I tried with local java file it seems to be working. Getting 502 with docker
Issue was related to s3 url defined in properties file older aws.endpoint-s3=${AWS_ENDPOINT_S3:http://localhost:4566}
new change cloud.aws.s3.endpoint=${AWS_ENDPOINT_S3:http://localhost:4566}
key name should be defined like this only