
I am unable to upgrade my Expo Version from SDK 49 to SDK 51 and my app just doesn't run

4 months ago, I made an app using React Native which was compatible with Expo SDK 49. Now, I want to improvise my app. When I tried to run it, it showed the following message.

Project is incompatible with this version of Expo Go

I am using an iPhone and I cannot go back to the previous version. When I tried upgrading my app to SDK 51, this happened.

Also, npx expo install --fix doesn't do anything.

These things are outdated in my app.

I have to present my app in 3 weeks but I am not even able to run the app. And I cannot use an iOS simulator as I don't have a Mac. Please help me in upgrading my project to SDK 51.


  • Try running the following commands:

    npm cache verify
    npm cache clean --force
    rm -rf node_modules/
    rm package-lock.json
    npm install
    npx expo start -c