
How to check if VBA formula is correct

I'm creating a VB macro that converts string values like "1+1" to formulas.

   Cells(1, 1).Formula = "=" & Cells(1, 1).Value

But if Value string can't be calculated i have Run-time Error '1004'.

How can i be sure that string would convert to formula successfully?


  • First construct the formula and then use the Evaluate method on it. If it doesn't return an error then you can add it to the cell.

    Sub tester()
        Dim f As String
        f = "1+1"
        Debug.Print f, IIf(FormulaOK(f), "OK", "not valid")
        f = "1blah1"
        Debug.Print f, IIf(FormulaOK(f), "OK", "not valid")
    End Sub
    Function FormulaOK(f As String) As Boolean
        FormulaOK = Not IsError(Application.Evaluate(f))
    End Function