
confirmation of saving on the database for printing (VB.NET)

I am developing a small POS system, how can we confirm that the invoice data is saved on the database without problem, to start printing

if there is a connection problem with the server (internet problem for example)
the application executes the code for printing the invoice, without saving the data on the database
(The rule is that you should not print an invoice that is not in the database ,that is the problem)

please give me the best idea to avoid the problem

thank you very much

here is the classification of my current code:

Dim Cmd As New SqlCommand

If Not cn_SQL.State = ConnectionState.Open Then cn_SQL.Open()

Dim _trans As SqlTransaction = cn_SQL.BeginTransaction 
Cmd.Transaction = _trans 



  Cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE  INTO   TABLE_STOCK ... "
  Cmd.Connection = cn_SQL

  Cmd.CommandText = "INSERT  INTO   TABLE_HEADER "
  Cmd.Connection = cn_SQL

  Cmd.CommandText = "INSERT  INTO   TABLE_BODY "
  Cmd.Connection = cn_SQL



Catch ex As Exception



End Try


  • You can do this two ways. One would be to ensure the business rule in your function calls. I don't know if your posted code is in a Sub or a Function, but I'm guessing a Sub based on no return values. Make it a Function, and only generate the invoice if the data successfully saves:

    Private Sub ProcessSale()
        If Save() Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function Save() As Boolean
            ' Your code to save to the database
            Return True
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function

    Call Sub ProcessSale() to run and check the return value of Save(). Then, run any other processes you need after a successful save, such as GenerateInvoice().

    Another method would be to save the data to the database, and in the code that generates the invoice, read back the invoice data from the database, and ensure you do not end up with an empty result set (i.e., saving failed).

    In addition, you should use the Using statement to handle objects that implement IDisposable, such as SqlConnection objects, etc. You also should NOT be using global connection objects. Trust in SQL Server connection pooling, and declare the connection, use it, and let it dispose.

    Public Function Save() As Boolean
        Using conn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
            Using cmd As New SqlCommand()
                Dim tran As SqlTransaction = conn.BeginTransaction
                With cmd
                        .Transaction = tran
                        .CommandText = "UPDATE  INTO   TABLE_STOCK ... "
                        .CommandText = "INSERT  INTO   TABLE_HEADER "
                        .CommandText = "INSERT  INTO   TABLE_BODY "
                        ' Move this to the calling function. Don't mix data access and UI code.
                        Return True
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        Return False
                    End Try
                End With
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub