
Inner function as callback not called

So I've got some classes that allow me to upload file-like or IO objects to Azure Blob Storage.

My problem here is that I want to pass a callback during the export of those objects, and this callback needs to do multiple things (hence call a higher method).

Here is the code:

from import BlobServiceClient

class UploadStatus:

    def __init__(self, uploaded=0, total=None):
        self.uploaded = uploaded = total
    def update(self, uploaded, total):
        if total is not None:
   = self._normalize(total)
        if uploaded is not None:
            self.uploaded = self._normalize(uploaded)
    def progress(self):
        """Calculate the progress made for the upload incorring."""
        return 100.0 * self.uploaded / if > 0 else 0
    def _normalize(self, integer):
        return integer if integer else 0

class Resource:
    """A wrapper encapsulating an io-like object"""
    def __init__(self, ...):

class AzureBlobProxy:
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

    def build(cls, params: dict):
        client = BlobServiceClient(**params)
        return cls(client)

    def blob_export(self, container: str, name: str, io, block=None) -> dict:
        """Export file-like object to a Storage.

            container (string): Container to use
            name (string): Name to use
            io (io.IOBase): File-like io object base on IOBase.
        blob_client = self.client.get_blob_client(

        return blob_client.upload_blob(

class AzureProvider:

    def upload(self, resource, status, params={}, block=None):
        """See BaseProvider.upload() description."""
        proxy =
        container, name = self._extract_container_and_name_from_params(params)

        def progress_callback(sent, total):
            print(block)  # doesn't display the block function
            status.update(uploaded=sent, total=total)
            if block and callable(block):

        with resource.with_io() as io:
            status.update(uploaded=0, total=sys.getsizeof(io))
            proxy.blob_export(container, name, io, progress_callback)

        return self._upload_strategy()
    def _extract_container_and_name_from_params(self, params):
        """Return container and name for blob"""
    def __upload_strategy(self):
        return 'azure-blob'

def print_progress(status):
    print('PROGRESS {}%'.format(int(status.progress())))

parameters = { ... }
resource = Resource(...)
upload_status = UploadStatus()
strategy = provider.upload(resource, upload_status, parameters, print_progress)

Have a look at my inner function progress_callback that is the progress_hook passed to this final method

It should call the function print_progress, but that's not the case, I don't see any printing "PROGRESS %" appearing.

I can confirm, though, that a file-like object is exported to Azure Blob Storage.

Do you have any idea?


  • Inner function as callback not called

    You can use the below python code includes additional print statements to help debug the issue with the block function not being called.

    Also, I made some modified changes to upload bytes to blob storage with classes.

    Here is the detailed explanation of how to upload a file-like object to Azure Blob Storage using the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python,


    from import BlobServiceClient
    from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
    import io
    import sys
    class UploadStatus:
        def __init__(self, uploaded=0, total=None):
            self.uploaded = uploaded
   = total
        def update(self, uploaded, total):
            if total is not None:
       = self._normalize(total)
            if uploaded is not None:
                self.uploaded = self._normalize(uploaded)
        def progress(self):
            """Calculate the progress made for the upload incorring."""
            return 100.0 * self.uploaded / if > 0 else 0
        def _normalize(self, integer):
            return integer if integer else 0
    class Resource:
        """A wrapper encapsulating an io-like object"""
        def __init__(self, data: bytes):
   = data
        def with_io(self):
            return io.BytesIO(
    class AzureBlobProxy:
        def __init__(self, client):
            self.client = client
        def build(cls, params: dict):
            client = BlobServiceClient(**params)
            return cls(client)
        def blob_export(self, container: str, name: str, io, block=None) -> dict:
            """Export file-like object to a Storage.
                container (string): Container to use
                name (string): Name to use
                io (io.IOBase): File-like io object base on IOBase.
            blob_client = self.client.get_blob_client(
            print(f"Starting upload to container: {container}, blob: {name}")
            return blob_client.upload_blob(
    class AzureProvider:
        def upload(self, resource, status, params={}, block=None):
            """See BaseProvider.upload() description."""
            proxy =
            container, name = self._extract_container_and_name_from_params(params)
            def progress_callback(sent, total):
                print(f"Progress callback triggered. Sent: {sent}, Total: {total}")
                status.update(uploaded=sent, total=total)
                if block and callable(block):
            with resource.with_io() as io:
                io_size = sys.getsizeof(io.getvalue())
                print(f"IO size: {io_size}")
                status.update(uploaded=0, total=io_size)
                proxy.blob_export(container, name, io, progress_callback)
            return self._upload_strategy()
        def _extract_container_and_name_from_params(self, params):
            """Return container and name for blob"""
            return params.get('container'), params.get('name')
        def _upload_strategy(self):
            return 'azure-blob'
    def print_progress(status):
        print('PROGRESS {}%'.format(int(status.progress())))
    # Example usage
    parameters = {
        'account_url': 'https://<storage account name >',  # Replace with your account URL
        'credential': DefaultAzureCredential(),  # Replace with your credential
        'container': 'test',  # Replace with your container name
        'name': 'sample.txt'  # Replace with your blob name
    # Create a sample file-like object
    sample_data = b"Sample data for Azure Blob Storage upload. " * 1024  # 43 KB of sample data
    resource = Resource(sample_data)
    upload_status = UploadStatus()
    provider = AzureProvider()
    strategy = provider.upload(resource, upload_status, parameters, print_progress)

    The above code track upload progress and manage file-like objects. AzureProvider performs the upload using AzureBlobProxy, which updates the UploadStatus and provides real-time progress via a callback. The example explains how to upload sample data and receive progress feedback.


    IO size: 44065
    Starting upload to container: test, blob: sample.txt
    Progress callback triggered. Sent: 44032, Total: 44032
    PROGRESS 100%

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