
Remove minutes value that is not divisible by 15 in Material Ui TimePicker component

I want to remove minutes value that is not divisible by 15 in Material Ui TimePicker component.

I am trying this approach but this is not working

const shouldDisableTime = (timeValue) => {
    const minutes = timeValue?.$m;
    return minutes !== 0 && minutes !== 15 && minutes !== 30 && minutes !== 45;

<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
    onChange={(newValue) => setTime(newValue)}
    renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} />}

enter image description here


  • Instead of disabling time with shouldDisableTime() function you can use minutesStep={15} prop and for hiding not necessary minutes you can use skipDisabled boolean property with setting value to true.

    Full <TimePicker /> component API can be found here.

    See example screenshot bellow.

    enter image description here