
ngrx SignalStore: Calling a service function without parameters, which returns an Observable

I have an Angular Service which lets me load data using HttpClient.request(...) and returns the data as an Observable. Within my ngrx SignalStore I call these service methods within rxMethod()s.

One of my service methods does not have any parameters. So calling it within an rxMethod() is not an option, because rxMethod() requires a parameter, be it

a static value, signal, or observable as an input argument

So this won't work, because I do not have a parameter to call load() with:

        service = inject(SomeService),
    ) => ({
        load: rxMethod(pipe(
            switchMap(() => service.getAll$()
                    tap(models => {

What is the best practice in this case? I'd rather not use a normal SignalStore method, because I'd like to not have to bother with subscription management.


  • Apparently, passing void as the rxMethods type argument works. However, as in my case, eslint might not be happy with it.

    So this would work:

            service = inject(SomeService),
        ) => ({
            load: rxMethod<void>(pipe(
                switchMap(() => service.getAll$()
                        tap(models => {

    Which can then be called without a parameter, like so: store.load()