I got the following output from the Node.js backend server when I use the Orders.find() to find some documents from the MongoDB database.
_id: new ObjectId('6672a038a102620d14a93cac'),
userId: 6458,
orderId: 106733,
orderAmount: new Decimal128('134.25'),
orderStatus: 100,
orderDate: 2024-06-19T09:09:12.246Z,
processed: false,
__v: 0
The Orders schema is as follows:
const OrderSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
userId: {
type: Number,
orderId: {
type: Number,
orderAmount: {
type: mongoose.Types.Decimal128,
orderStatus: {
type: Number,
orderDate: {
type: Date,
default: Date.now,
processed: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
Appreciate your valuable help in converting the orderAmount from Decimal128 to a floating number.
My expected output is:
_id: new ObjectId('6672a038a102620d14a93cac'),
userId: 6458,
orderId: 106733,
orderAmount: 134.25,
orderStatus: 100,
orderDate: 2024-06-19T09:09:12.246Z,
processed: false,
__v: 0
Here is a solution where the conversion is done on DB side using an aggregation instead of a find()
$match: {
// filter necessary like find()
$set: { // or $addFields
orderAmount: {
$toDouble: "$orderAmount"