I am creating a package where I have a function (pkgfun
) that computes some indicators based on values from subsets of a data frame, using group_by
and purrr::map
. I would also like to let the user be able to submit an additional function (userfun
) to compute this indicator, in case none of the built-in functions matches the needs. pkgfun
should therefore accept some additional parameters for userfun
, but also make it possible for userfun
to use other variables in pkgfun
, either other arguments or variables defined inside the function.
Ideally, I would have liked to write the functions as close to the following example as possible. However, this will not correctly pass the arguments.
pkgfun = function(df, pkgArg, userfun, fargs, test, ...) {
dots = list(...)
funArg = 3
fargs = names(formals(userfun))
ufRes = df %>%
group_by(himgid) %>% nest() %>%
mutate(ufres = map(data, ~userfun(., fargs))) %>%
unnest(ufres) %>% ungroup %>% select(ufres) %>% pull
userfun = function(df, aboveLimit, pkgArg, funArg) {
sum(df$gridvar > aboveLimit) >= pkgArg
pkgfun(df, userfun = userfun, aboveLimit = 5, pkgArg = 5)
I have managed to create a simplified working example, but I find it depends on a bit of redundancy on the user side, it seems a bit too complicated, and it uses some expressions I would prefer to remove (such as eval(parse(...))
The implementation of pkgfun
allows for two ways of passing the right arguments, but I don't like either.
The first one takes an additional argument fargs
, which includes all the names of the arguments that should be added to argList
, a list of arguments. This is a nuisance when calling the function.
The second one checks the list of required arguments of userfun
, searches for them and adds them all to argList
. However, this means the user needs to specify dummy arguments in userfun
that are actually not used in the function.
I think it should be possible both to get closer to the first example and remove the eval(parse
construct, but how...? Any suggestions?
# pkgArg is an argument that is otherwise used in pkgfun, and reused in userfun
pkgfun = function(df, pkgArg, userfun, fargs, test, ...) {
dots = list(...)
# funArg is a variable defined inside the function, and but also useful in userfun.
funArg = 3
# Finding the arguments from userfun if not given as an argument
if (missing(fargs)) {
fargs = names(formals(userfun))
fargs = fargs[!(fargs %in% c("df", "argList", "..."))]
dnames = names(dots)[which(names(dots) %in% fargs)]
# Adding ... arguments to the environment, so they are available to dynGet
if (length(dnames) > 0) for (dn in dnames) eval(parse(text = paste(dn, "=", dots[[dn]] )))
argList = lapply(fargs, dynGet)
names(argList) = fargs
ufRes = df %>%
group_by(himgid) %>% nest() %>%
mutate(ufRes = map(data, ~userfun(., argList = argList))) %>%
unnest(ufRes) %>% ungroup %>% select(ufRes) %>% pull
# The userfun checks if the group has at least pkgArg entries that are larger than aboveLimit
# It also prints the names of the arguments in argList, and funArg, just to check that it
# is correctly passed
userfun = function(df, aboveLimit, pkgArg, funArg, argList) {
print(paste("argList", names(argList)))
aboveLimit = argList$aboveLimit
pkgArg = argList$pkgArg
funArg = argList$funArg
sum(df$gridvar > aboveLimit) >= pkgArg
df = data.frame(himgid = rep(c(1,2,3), 20), gridvar = 1:20)
# Call function with a vector of argument names, the named variables are then unnecessary in
# function definition
pkgfun(df, userfun = userfun, fargs = c("aboveLimit", "pkgArg", "pkgArg"),
aboveLimit = 5, pkgArg = 5)
# This call is possible when the arguments are named in the function definition
pkgfun(df, userfun = userfun, aboveLimit = 5, pkgArg = 5)
I'll take a stab at it ...
df = data.frame(himgid = rep(c(1,2,3), 20), gridvar = 1:20)
pkgfun = function(df, pkgArg, userfun, fargs, test, ...) {
dots = list(...)
funArg = 3
fargs_names = names(formals(userfun))
passed_in <- setdiff(intersect(ls(),fargs_names),"df")
names(passed_in) <- passed_in
args_to_pass <- map(passed_in,\(x)get(x,pos = -1)) |> setNames(passed_in)
args_to_pass <- c(args_to_pass,dots)
ufRes = df %>%
group_by(himgid) %>% nest() %>%
mutate(ufres = map(data, \(subdata){
local_args <- c(list("df"=subdata),args_to_pass)
do.call(userfun,args=local_args)})) %>%
unnest(ufres) %>% ungroup %>% select(ufres) %>% pull
userfun = function(df, aboveLimit, pkgArg, funArg) {
sum(df$gridvar > aboveLimit) >= pkgArg
pkgfun(df, userfun = userfun, aboveLimit = 5, pkgArg = 5)