
Parse a search string into words and treat words within double quotes as a single term

I know that if I want to parse a string into separate words, the easiest way is.

This is my string:

The Microsoft business analysis software


SELECT special_term, display_term 
FROM sys.dm_fts_parser ('"The Microsoft business analysis software"', 1033, 0, 0)

Which returns this:

special_term display_term
------------ ------------
Noise Word   the
Exact Match  microsoft
Exact Match  business
Exact Match  analysis
Exact Match  software

But suppose I have a string that has some of the words enclosed in double quotes like this - string:

The Microsoft "business analysis" software

I want to produce the following:

special_term display_term
------------ ------------
Noise Word   the
Exact Match  microsoft
Exact Match  business analysis
Exact Match  software

Is there a reasonable way to do this in SQL Server?


  • We can "temporarily" replace spaces by some symbol (_) in quoted phrases and replace back after splitting.
    Phrase "business analysis" -> business_analysis ->business analysis.

    sys.dm_fts_parser output this "words" as Exact Match.

    See example

    id sentence
    1  The Microsoft "business analysis" software And other "helpful programs"
    2 But suppose I have a string that has "some of the words" enclosed in double quotes like this - string
    with data as(
      select 1 id
        ,'The Microsoft "business analysis" software And other "helpful programs"' sentence
      union all
      select 2 id
        ,'But suppose I have a string that has "some of the words" enclosed in double quotes like this - string'

    Recursive replace ' ' by '_' in quoted phrases and remove"

    ,r as(
      select 0 lvl,id
         ,case when charindex('"',sentence)>0 
             and charindex('"',sentence,charindex('"',sentence)+1)>0
           then left(sentence,charindex('"',sentence)-1)
               ,' ','_')
          else sentence
          end sentence
      from data
      union all
      select lvl+1,id
         ,case when charindex('"',sentence)>0 
             and charindex('"',sentence,charindex('"',sentence)+1)>0
           then substring(sentence,1,charindex('"',sentence)-1)
               ,' ','_')
          else sentence
          end sentence
      from r
      where charindex('"',sentence)>0 
    select id,occurrence,special_term,replace(display_term,'_',' ')display_term 
           --,source_term ,group_id,phrase_id
    FROM (select *,row_number()over(partition by id order by lvl desc)rn from r)r
    cross apply  sys.dm_fts_parser ('"'+r.sentence+'"',1033,0,0)
    where rn=1


    id occurrence special_term display_term
    1 1 Noise Word the
    1 2 Exact Match microsoft
    1 3 Exact Match business analysis
    1 4 Exact Match software
    1 5 Noise Word and
    1 6 Noise Word other
    1 7 Exact Match helpful programs
    2 1 Noise Word but
    2 2 Exact Match suppose
    2 3 Noise Word i
    2 4 Noise Word have
    2 5 Noise Word a
    2 6 Exact Match string
    2 7 Noise Word that
    2 8 Noise Word has
    2 9 Exact Match some of the words
    2 10 Exact Match enclosed
    2 11 Noise Word in
    2 12 Exact Match double
    2 13 Exact Match quotes
    2 14 Noise Word like
    2 15 Noise Word this
    2 16 Exact Match string