I have a shift class, that returns the information for the shift.
public class Shift {
private String id;
private LocalDateTime start;
private LocalDateTime end;
public Long getShiftDuration() {
long minutes = ChronoUnit.MINUTES.between(start, end);
return minutes;
public String getBusinessDate() {
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
String dateStr = getStart().toLocalDate().format(formatter);
return dateStr;
Then I have a class DaySettingFlat
, that contains the list of dates that we need to calculate sum of shift durations. The date mentioned in DaySettingFlat
contains a variable businessDate
which will contain a date. With this date value we have to sum the durations of the Shift collection that matched with the businessDate
public class DaySettingFlat {
String businessDate;
Integer sumOfShiftDuration;
The both class is registered as @ProblemFactCollectionProperty
. Now for each DaySettingFlat entry, we have to sum the duration of the shifts for a date stored in businessDate
. Both the Shift
and DaySettingFlat
are used as a collection.
I tried like follows but it's not working, it's giving compilation error:
Constraint daySettingStandardNumberOfHours(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(DaySettingFlat.class)
.join(Shift.class, equal(DaySettingFlat::getBusinessDate, Shift::getStartDate))
//Getting error on group by
.penalize(HardMediumSoftScore.ONE_HARD, (date, list, totalDuration)->{
return totalDuration;
The reason it is not working is because you have a BiConstraintStream
, so you need to provide a function that takes both DaySettingFlat
and Shift
Constraint daySettingStandardNumberOfHours(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
return constraintFactory.forEach(DaySettingFlat.class)
.join(Shift.class, equal(DaySettingFlat::getBusinessDate, Shift::getStartDate))
.groupBy((day, shift) -> shift.getStartDate(),
ConstraintCollectors.toList((day, shift) -> day),
ConstraintCollectors.sumLong((day, shift) -> shift.getShiftDuration()))
.penalize(HardMediumSoftScore.ONE_HARD, (date, list, totalDuration)->{
return totalDuration;
Is the list doing anything? It is unused in the Constraint you provided. If not, I recommend removing it.