I'm trying to use Handsontable with NuxtJS (VueJS) and HyperFormula. Handsontable works fine but I can't event import HyperFormula.
Node.JS 20.10.0 PNPM 9.4.0
When I do this :
import { HyperFormula } from 'hyperformula';
I instantly get an error :
ERROR Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.values (<anonymous>) at TranslationPackage.checkErrors (node_modules\.pnpm\hyperformula@2.7.0\node_modules\hyperformula\es\i18n\TranslationPackage.js:91:30) at new TranslationPackage (node_modules\.pnpm\hyperformula@2.7.0\node_modules\hyperformula\es\i18n\TranslationPackage.js:20:10)
These are my versions :
"dependencies": {
"@handsontable/vue3": "^14.4.0",
"hyperformula": "^2.7.0",
"nuxt": "^3.12.2",
"vue": "^3.4.29"
I really can't find what I'm doing wrong... Could someone help me ?
Here's a demo that combines NuxtJS and HyperFormula within Handsontable https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-7hvjkp?file=components%2FGrid.vue,package.json,data.ts