I tried to run the ANTLR4 visualization interpreter from this class with the example grammar description and program code from the antlr4-tools.
However with the latest antlr4 release (4.13.1) it runs indefinitely without producing results or throwing an exception
grammar Expr;
prog: expr EOF ;
expr: expr ('*'|'/') expr
| expr ('+'|'-') expr
| '(' expr ')'
NEWLINE : [\r\n]+ -> skip;
INT : [0-9]+ ;
java -cp antlr4-4.13.1-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.gui.Interpreter Expr.g4 prog
The command runs without interruption and does not produce anything.
It was ran on a Pop!_OS 22.04 but also tried on Ubuntu 24.04.
I'm not sure if you can run the Interpreter like that. If you have the Python package antlr4-tools installed, you just need to run this:
antlr4-parse Expr.g4 prog prog -gui
Note the double prog
: the first indicates the parser rule prog
and the second indicates the file name containing the input to parse. You'll see the following window appear:
Printing a Lisp-like tree on your console can be done like this:
antlr4-parse Expr.g4 prog prog -tree
which prints:
(prog:1 (expr:2 (expr:3 10) + (expr:1 (expr:3 20) * (expr:3 30))) <EOF>)