As we have more than 50 container apps that require ACR password updates, doing it through UI is a very long task.
I tried to create a Makefile which uses the az
cli tool to get the secret name and update with new password. Note, the secret name was auto-created when container app is created.
While running the below command,
az containerapp secret set -n MyApp -g MyRG --secrets reg-pswd-abcd1234-ab12=MySecretToken
where reg-pswd-abcd1234-ab12 is the name of the secret automatically generated upon the app's creation
getting the following error:
Secret names cannot be longer than 20. Please shorten reg-pswd-abcd1234-ab12
This length limit was a bug in the azure-cli tool. This tool is hosted on GitHub, so I filed an issue on it which is now resolved. Kudos to that team for the quick turnaround. In the short term, see the end of that issue for a local workaround involving a one-line local edit to the azure-cli Python code to remove the length restriction.
Better still, the fix has been merged and should be in the release after 2.61.0.