
Is it possible to get the actual key back from a hashtable

Given a hash table (or a dictionary) like:

$HashTable = @{ 'One' = 1; 'Two' = 2; 'Three' = 3 }

(which is case insensitive by default, but doesn't has to be in every situation for my case. In fact, I have no clue of the comparer that is used in the given hashtable or dictionary)

It is easy to get the related value for a specific item:

$HashTable['two'] # Or: $HashTable.get_item('two')

But is it also possible to get the actual key (of a specific item) back, something like:


Which would return Two (which a capital T) rather than an error or two in lowercase?

Update 1

Apparently I haven't been clear in my question, so let me rephrase it:

For any given hashtable (or dictionary) with an unknown comparer, I am looking for a way to retrieve the original key of a specific item similar as I would retrieve the value of t specific item. Meaning:

Meanwhile, I am starting to believe that the answer to my question is:

That is not possible

Simply because the key of an hashtable isn't reordered but only the hashcode and collision recovery data but not the whole key (/string, which might virtually unlimited in size).. That doesn't make sense either because the whole key is still available in the .keys collection but apparently the (reverse) link with the actual item is gone...

Update 2

To be honest what I was expecting from this question, was either:

But it turns out that I got a list of interesting alternatives which I might use instead. For my actual use case, the performance is important but more important is the fact whether the provide suggestion reacts according my expectations. Therefore I have setup Pester test bench to confirm this:

Describe 'Retrive the original key from a hashtable or dictionary' { # https://stackoverflow.com/a/78656228

    BeforeAll {
        $CaseInsensitive = [Ordered]@{
            One   = 1
            Two   = 2
            Three = 3
            4 = 'Four'

        $CaseSensitive = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
        $CaseSensitive['One']   = 1
        $CaseSensitive['two']   = 2
        $CaseSensitive['Two']   = 2
        $CaseSensitive['three'] = 3
        $CaseSensitive['Three'] = 3
        $CaseSensitive['THREE'] = 3
        $CaseSensitive[[Object]4] = 'Four'

        # mklement0 https://stackoverflow.com/a/78656228/1701026
        function GetKey($Dictionary, $lookupKey) {
            if ($Dictionary.Contains($lookupKey)) {
                $candidateKeys = $Dictionary.Keys.Where({ $_ -eq $lookupKey }, 0, 2)
                if ($candidateKeys.Count -ge 2) { $lookupKey }
                else                            { $candidateKeys[0] }

        # Fabrice SANGA https://stackoverflow.com/a/78656281/1701026
        # $CaseInsensitive | Add-Member -Force -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name get_Key -Value {
            # param([string] $CaseInsensitiveIndex)
            # return $this.Keys.Where{ $_ -ceq ([CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($CaseInsensitiveIndex) }
        # }
        # $CaseSensitive | Add-Member -Force -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name get_Key -Value {
            # param([string] $CaseInsensitiveIndex)
            # return $this.Keys.Where{ $_ -ceq ([CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($CaseInsensitiveIndex) }
        # }
        # function GetKey($Dictionary, $lookupKey) {
            # $Dictionary.get_Key($lookupKey)
        # }

        # Abraham Zinala https://stackoverflow.com/a/78657526/1701026
        # function GetKey($HashTable, $to_match) {
            # [System.Linq.Enumerable]::Where(
            # ($entries = [System.Collections.DictionaryEntry[]]@($HashTable.GetEnumerator())),
                # [Func[System.Collections.DictionaryEntry, bool]]{
                    # param($entry)
                    # $entry.Key -match $to_match -and $entries.Where{$_.Key -match $to_match}.Count -eq 1 -or 
                    # $entry.Key -cmatch $to_match -and $entries.Where{$_.Key -match $to_match}.Count -ge 1
                # }
            # ).Key
        # }

        # iRon
        # function GetKey($Dictionary, $LookupKey) {
            # if ($Dictionary -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
                # if (-not $Dictionary.Contains($LookupKey)) { return }
            # } else {
                # if (-not $Dictionary.ContainsKey($LookupKey)) { return }
            # }
            # foreach ($Key in $Dictionary.get_Keys()) {
                # if ($Key -ceq $LookupKey) { return $Key }
                # if ($Key -ieq $LookupKey) { $iKey = $Key }
            # }
            # if ($Null -ne $iKey) { $iKey } else { $LookupKey }
        # }

    Context 'Case insensitive, existing key' {

        It 'One' {
            $CaseInsensitive['One'] | Should -Be 1
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'One' | Should -BeExactly 'One'

        It 'ONE' {
            $CaseInsensitive['ONE'] | Should -Be 1
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'ONE' | Should -BeExactly 'One'

        It 'two' {
            $CaseInsensitive['two'] | Should -Be 2
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'two' | Should -BeExactly 'Two'

        It 'Two' {
            $CaseInsensitive['Two'] | Should -Be 2
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'Two' | Should -BeExactly 'Two'

        It 'TWO' {
            $CaseInsensitive['TWO'] | Should -Be 2
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'TWO' | Should -BeExactly 'Two'

        It 'three' {
            $CaseInsensitive['three'] | Should -Be 3
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'three' | Should -BeExactly 'Three'

        It 'Three' {
            $CaseInsensitive['Three'] | Should -Be 3
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'Three' | Should -BeExactly 'Three'

        It 'THREE' {
            $CaseInsensitive['THREE'] | Should -Be 3
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 'THREE' | Should -BeExactly 'Three'

        It '4' {
            $CaseInsensitive[[Object]4] | Should -Be 'Four'
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 4 | Should -Be 4

    Context 'Case insensitive, missing key' {

        It '"4"' {
            $CaseInsensitive['4'] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive '4' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

    Context 'Case sensitive, existing key' {

        It 'One' {
            $CaseSensitive['One'] | Should -Be 1
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'One' | Should -BeExactly 'One'

        It 'two' {
            $CaseSensitive['Two'] | Should -Be 2
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'Two' | Should -BeExactly 'Two'

        It 'Two' {
            $CaseSensitive['Two'] | Should -Be 2
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'Two' | Should -BeExactly 'Two'

        It 'three' {
            $CaseSensitive['three'] | Should -Be 3
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'three' | Should -BeExactly 'three'

        It 'Three' {
            $CaseSensitive['Three'] | Should -Be 3
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'Three' | Should -BeExactly 'Three'

        It 'THREE' {
            $CaseSensitive['THREE'] | Should -Be 3
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'THREE' | Should -BeExactly 'THREE'

        It '4' {
            $CaseInsensitive[[Object]4] | Should -Be 'Four'
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive 4 | Should -Be 4

    Context 'Case sensitive, missing key' {

        It 'one' {
            $CaseSensitive['one'] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'one' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

        It 'ONE' {
            $CaseSensitive['ONE'] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'ONE' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

        It 'TWO' {
            $CaseSensitive['TWO'] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'TWO' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

        It 'Four' {
            $CaseSensitive['Four'] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            GetKey $CaseSensitive 'Four' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty

        It '"4"' {
            $CaseInsensitive['4'] | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
            GetKey $CaseInsensitive '4' | Should -BeNullOrEmpty


  • Preface:

    I'm not aware of an efficient way to obtain the case-exact form of the original key, but the following is a concise one (at the expense of performance, 'First' can be omitted), using the intrinsic .Where() method:

     'One' = 1
     'Two' = 2
     'Three' = 3
    }.Keys.Where({ $_ -eq 'two' }, 'First')[0] # -> 'Two'


    Dealing with a dictionary whose case-sensitivity is unknown requires more work, including potentially having to examine all keys:

    # Note: [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] is the type
    #       underlying [ordered] hashtable literals in PowerShell.
    #       It - like [System.Collections.Hashtable] - is case-SENSITIVE by default; 
    #       it is PowerShell that makes them case-INsensitive behind the scenes.
    $dictionary = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
    $dictionary['One'] = 1
    $dictionary['TWO'] = 2
    $dictionary['two'] = 2  # case variation
    $dictionary['Three'] = 2
    $lookupKey = 'two'
    # -> Stores 'two' in $actualKey, the case-exact match.
    $actualKey = 
      if ($dictionary.Contains($lookupKey)) {
        $candidateKeys = $dictionary.Keys.Where({ $_ -eq $lookupKey }, 0, 2)
        if ($candidateKeys.Count -ge 2) { $lookupKey }
        else                            { $candidateKeys }

    Alternative, which optimizes for the case where the lookup key already is in the case-exact form:

    $actualKey =
      if ($dictionary.Contains($lookupKey)) {
          if (-1 -ne [Array]::IndexOf($dictionary.Keys, $lookupKey)) { $lookupKey }
          else { $dictionary.Keys.Where({ $_ -eq $lookupKey }, 'First') }

    An hypothetical efficient solution would require efficient (O(1)) lookups in the .Keys collection that return the matching keys themselves, but as you note, dictionaries aren't designed for that, as they translate keys into abstract hashes (numbers) for lookup of values (and these hashes have no reverse link to the keys they were derived from).

    If it were possible - it isn't[1] - to obtain the System.Collections.IEqualityComparer / System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1 used by a given dictinonary instance and the specific instance used is of a type exposed via the static properties of the System.StringComparer class, such as [System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase, you could at least infer case-sensitivity and optimize based on that: if the dictionary is case-sensitive and a value lookup (.Contains()) succeeds, you're by definition dealing with the case-exact form of the key; otherwise, it is sufficient to (linearly) look for the first case-insensitively matching key in .Keys.
    If the given dictionary happens to be of type System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2, you could perform a binary search of the .Keys collection, taking advantage of the fact that the collection of keys is by definition sorted, along the lines of:
    [Array]::BinarySearch($sortedDict.Keys, $lookupKey, [StringComparer]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)

    With System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary`2, specifically, you could achieve a relatively efficient solution even without knowing the comparer, via two to three non-linear lookups (though in practice you may not notice a difference from the linear approach except in large dictionaries):

    [1] Neither the specific System.Collections.Hashtable ([hashtable]) type nor the dictionary interfaces (System.Collections.IDictionary and System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2) offer (public) members for accessing the comparer (and trying to use reflection to access non-public members is not only generally ill-advised, but would have to be done for each concrete dictionary-like type separately).