
How to build external URL with parameters in flask/jinja2?

Simple question, how can I build URL with parameters for external websites?

Flask helper url_for is really handy to build internal links and I was wandering if it could also be used for external links, but it seems that this is not as simple as it sounds.

<a href="{{ url_for('endpoint', foo='bar') }}">internal</a>
<a href="{{ url_for('', foo='bar', _external=true) }}">external (doesn't work)</a>
from flask import Flask, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SERVER_NAME"] = ""
app.config["PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME"] = "https"

with app.app_context():
    # Expected: ""
    print(url_for("", foo="bar", _external=True))

url_for has _external option, but it seems different from what I imagined.


I currently use urlencode filter to build parameters:

<a href="{{ dict(foo='bar') | urlencode }}">external link</a>


  • It is possible to add an external url directly within flasks route map with app.add_url_rule("/", endpoint="", host="", build_only=True) however this requires host_matching=True to be set when creating your application object and this could potentially interfere with how the routing works for your internal routes. I would suggest setting up a separate route map for your external routes by using the werkzeug Map and Rule objects directly.

    from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
    class UrlExternal:
        def __init__(self):
   = Map([Rule('/', host="", endpoint="com_root"),
                            Rule('/api/<int:val>', host="" ,endpoint="net_api")],
            self.adapter ="", url_scheme="https")
        def __call__(self, endpoint, **values):
            return, values, force_external=True)
    url_external = UrlExternal()
    print(url_external("com_root", val=8, param="p"))
    print(url_external("net_api", val=9, param="q"))