
How async function is getting executed before second .then()?

I'm experiencing an unexpected order of execution when using Promises and async/await in JavaScript. Here’s the code snippet:

let a = "Hanzala"
let newPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let error = false
    if (!error) {
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("Async Task");
        }, 1000)
    } else {

.then((data) => {
    console.log("Async resolved",data)
    return data.toUpperCase()
.then((data) => {
    console.log(data+" from second then")
.catch((e) => {
    console.log(e + " Async rejected");

(async () => {
    try {
        const res = await newPromise
        console.log(res+ " from async await")
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(error+"Error form async");

The Output is :

Async Task
Async resolved Hanzala
Hanzala from async await
HANZALA from second then


Why does the output order differ from my expectation? Specifically, why does the log "Hanzala from async await" appear before "HANZALA from second then"?

expected Output:

Async Task
Async resolved Hanzala
HANZALA from second then
Hanzala from async await

Additional Information:


  • With const res = await newPromise you only wait for the Promise create by:

    let newPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let error = false
        if (!error) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log("Async Task");
            }, 1000)
        } else {

    because that is the Promise stored in newPromise, and not the Promise returned at the end of the chain from:

    .catch((e) => {
        console.log(e + " Async rejected");

    To get the exact same result you would need to do something like this:

    let a = "Hanzala"
    let newPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let error = false
        if (!error) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log("Async Task");
            }, 1000)
        } else {
    let anotherPromise = newPromise
    .then((data) => {
        console.log("Async resolved",data)
        return data.toUpperCase()
    .then((data) => {
        console.log(data+" from second then")
    .catch((e) => {
        console.log(e + " Async rejected");
    (async () => {
        try {
            const res = await newPromise;
            await anotherPromise;
            console.log(res+ " from async await")
        } catch (error) {
            console.log(error+"Error form async");

    This stores the result of the generated Promise in another variable. And you can then wait for both, in the order you would like.

    As a note: This way of structuring code is not the best way, first of all in one "unit" (project, module or at least per file basis) you should not mix await/async and then. While storing Promises in variables is not necessarily wrong, you should take care that none of these are orphans.