I want to specify a string value for the Ruby API of Asciidoctor, and want to have Asciidoctor substitute that value into the output.
I pieces the following together from the documentation, but it does not work.
Asciidoctor.convert adoc, attributes: { updated: src_mtime }
where adoc
is a string like this:
:title: Some Title
Introductory paragraph
== Section title
Last updated: {updated}
This will just generate "Last updated: {updated}" in the last paragraph, no substitution applied.
If I define updated
as a header attribute, like so :updated: 1 Jan 2000
, the substitution does take place, but it ignores the attributes from the Asciidoctor.convert
I've been banging my head on this all day, but to no avail.
Turns out the real issue was with the way the hash was constructed.
{ updated: src_mtime }
creates a hash with a symbol as key.
{ 'updated' => src_mtime }
creates a hash with a string as key.
Asciidoctor uses only string-keyed entries when looking for substitutions.