I have a query which is having ,
in lname column. I want to find the ,
and replace it with blank
. I want to use regex_substr but not getting any solution.
As of now i am able to resolve this using replcae function :
replace(lname,',','') as lname
I am newly learning regex. Can you please help me ?
According to Amazone-redshift documentation, REGEXP_REPLACE
function definition is:
REGEXP_REPLACE( source_string, pattern [, replace_string [ , position [, parameters ] ] ] )
Which pattern is same as other type of SQL REGEX_REPLACE
function and describe as follows:
So, your answer should be:
select REGEXP_REPLACE('Tri,m all comma, fr,om inp,ut text,', ',', '', 1, 0);
It should work in Amazone-redshift
MySQL sample solution: db<>fiddle