
csv to excelfile conversion via VBA

I'm trying to write a function which converts a csv file into an Excel file. I'm using Access 2021 and my problem is concerning the line with the Opentextfile as shown here:

Private Sub CreateExcel(strCSVPath As String, strXLSXSpath As String)
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim wb As Object

    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    xlApp.Visible = False

    Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add

    With wb.Worksheets(1)
        .Opentext strCSVPath, xlTextimportdelimited, Comma:=True
        .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.TexttoColumns  Destination:=.Range("A1"), dataType:=xlGeneral
    End With

    wb.SaveAs strXLSXSpath, FileFormat:=xlopenXMLWorkbook
    wb.Close Savechanges:=False
    xlApp.Quit Savechanges:=False

    Set wb = Nothing
    Set xlApp = Nothing
End Sub

I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.


  • Please, try this way:

    Private Sub CreateExcelSess(strCSVPath As String, strXLSXSpath As String)
     Dim wb As Object
     With CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'False visibility is default
        .Workbooks.OpenText fileName:=strCSVPath, startRow:=1, DataType:=1, Comma:=True
        Set wb = .ActiveWorkbook
        wb.saveas fileName:=strXLSXSpath, FileFormat:=51 '(xlWorkbookDefault, xlOpenXMLWorkbook)
        wb.Close False
     End With
    End Sub

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