i want to pass all list after doing the post operation in Ajax

***I am trying to pass a list from controller to ajax in success. Its a post request from ajax. *** When I am trying it comes as [model model]

*This my controller

public JsonResult CreatePackage(string Package)
    new ProductQueries().InsertTable("Packages", _DataBaseName, Package);
    List<Packages> packages = new ProductQueries().GetPackageTable("Packages", _DataBaseName);
    return Json(packages);

**This is my ajax please can someone let me know what I am doing wrong. Using after ages bit rusty on it any help is appreciated**

function CreatePackage() {
     var Package = $('#Package').val();
         type: 'POST',
         dataType: 'JSON',
         url: '@Url.Action("CreatePackage", "Product")',
         data: { Package },
             function (data) {
                 $.each(data, function (key, item) {
                     $("DropDownList").append('< label class="dropdown-option" ><input type="checkbox" name = "dropdown-group" value = "' + key+ '" />' + item+ '< /label>');

**This is my model**
 public class Packages
     public int Id { get; set; }
     public string Package { get; set; }


  • You're returning a list of objects:

    List<Packages> packages = //...
    return Json(packages);

    Then looping over that list:

    $.each(data, function (key, item) {

    And trying to render an object as a string:

    '<label class="dropdown-option"><input type="checkbox" name="dropdown-group" value="' + key + '" />' + item + '</label>'

    But an object isn't a string. It's an object. What string value would you expect it to render as and why?

    Your object has two properties:

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Package { get; set; }

    Are you intending to use the Package property in your output? If so then use that property:

    '<label class="dropdown-option"><input type="checkbox" name="dropdown-group" value="' + key + '" />' + item.package + '</label>'

    (Note: It may be item.package or item.Package depending on your JSON serialization settings.)

    It also seems likely that you probably want to use instead of key, since key is an otherwise meaningless array index:

    '<label class="dropdown-option"><input type="checkbox" name="dropdown-group" value="' + + '" />' + item.package + '</label>'

    (Note: It may be or item.Id depending on your JSON serialization settings.)

    Basically, the system has no way of knowing how you want your object to be represented as a string. You have to specify that when outputting it.