
Google site verification does not see google-site-verification tag

For a site, I wanted to add <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> and have Google index this tag.

For that I went to the site verification tool and added <meta name="google-site-verification" content="oG7LHEogE-io38I1jQ3LQN_6SWqy6TAHu-RTCcB68RI" /> as you can see on . However, the site verification tool keeps indicating that the tag is not there, while it is clearly visible when using the developer tools.

What am I doing wrong?

The output after trying to verify is (translated from Dutch);

edit; added a screenshot of what I see in the dev tools of Chrome; enter image description here


  • Ok, first of if we inspect the code send by server there is no google-site-verification meta in the header. I don't know what framework/technology you are using to render your site (seems like Angular), but what you need is to render your HTML on server, which you doesn't. I assume you are checking presence of tag in browser "inspect" tool, which is updating live which mean it track javascript changes. If you go to: view-source: (chrome) there is no google site verification token. Despite all talk by Google they still struggle to render SPA properly by all tools, so I would recommend to either insert this in server html element or add token as a DNS record