
Are full or outer joins directly possible in Couchbase?

Are full or outer joins directly possible in Couchbase, without doing any extra operations?


  • A LEFT JOIN is the same thing as a LEFT OUTER JOIN (and likewise with RIGHT JOIN/RIGHT OUTER JOIN). So, yes Couchbase's SQL++ supports that.

    FULL OUTER JOIN is not currently supported in Couchbase's SQL++ implementation (this is currently only indicated in the SQL++ for Analytics portion of the docs, so I plan to submit a ticket to get that corrected). If it's something you really need, you can simulate a full outer join by UNION'ing a left join and a right join together. E.g.

    SELECT A.id, A.column1, B.column2
    FROM TableA A
    LEFT JOIN TableB B ON A.id = B.id
    SELECT A.id, A.column1, B.column2
    FROM TableA A
    RIGHT JOIN TableB B ON A.id = B.id;

    Update: Here's the ticket I opened with the docs team: DOC-12300