
IDA Pro change color of variables in pseudocode

Very basic Ida Pro plugin that changes color of MyVar123 inside pseudocode window.

Problem is this approach is limited to using ida_lines.SCOLOR_... constants for color. How to define my own text color e.g. #00FF00 or any other way?

I read trough the SDK and i find no function that responsible for custom color codes.

import idaapi, ida_kernwin, ida_lines

class ColorizeVariable(ida_kernwin.action_handler_t):

    def __init__(self):

    def activate(self, ctx):

        if ida_kernwin.get_widget_type(ctx.widget) == ida_kernwin.BWN_PSEUDOCODE:
            vu = idaapi.get_widget_vdui(ctx.widget)
            pc = vu.cfunc.get_pseudocode()

            find = "MyVar"


            for sl in pc:
                sl.line = sl.line.replace(find, ida_lines.COLSTR(find, ida_lines.SCOLOR_DNAME))
                #sl.line = sl.line.replace(find, f'{ida_lines.COLOR_ON}{ida_lines.COLOR_CHAR}{find}{ida_lines.COLOR_OFF}{ida_lines.COLOR_CHAR}')  # broken
                #sl.line = sl.line.replace(find, f'{ida_lines.COLOR_ON}\x0A{find}{ida_lines.COLOR_OFF}\x0A')  #working
                #sl.line = sl.line.replace(find, f'\1\x0A{find}\2\x0A')  #short version

        return 0

    def update(self, ctx):
        return ida_kernwin.AST_ENABLE_ALWAYS

class ida_plugin_container(idaapi.plugin_t):

    flags         = idaapi.PLUGIN_UNL
    comment       = 'plugin comment'
    help          = 'help message'
    wanted_name   = "myPlugin"
    wanted_hotkey = 'Shift-Q'

    def init(self):

        action_desc = idaapi.action_desc_t(
            'Colorize Variable',
            'Colorize Variable in Pseudocode',


        ida_kernwin.attach_action_to_toolbar("SearchToolBar", 'myAction')
        return idaapi.PLUGIN_OK

    def run(self, arg):

    def term(self):

    return ida_plugin_container()


  • Seems there's no option for using RGB color codes or any other means of specifying custom color?

    Reading this doc's

    A typical color sequence looks like this:


    The first 2 items turn color 'xxx' on, then the text follows, and the color is turned off by two last items.

    i discovered an additional way to use predefined color codes trough COLOR_xxx constants (that happen to not work on IDA 8.3 or i don't know how to use them correctly).

    Example this line (also in above code example) does not work.

    sl.line.replace(find, f'{ida_lines.COLOR_ON}{ida_lines.COLOR_CHAR}{find}{ida_lines.COLOR_OFF}{ida_lines.COLOR_CHAR}')

    Working way to use predefined color codes is:

    sl.line.replace(find, f'{ida_lines.COLOR_ON}\x0A{find}{ida_lines.COLOR_OFF}\x0A')

    where ida_lines.COLOR_ON is color open tag, \x0A is color code (predefined colors are between hex values \x01 and \x27), ida_lines.COLOR_OFF color close tag, \x0A color code tag repeated (required by ida).

    Short version:

    sl.line.replace(find, f'\1\x0A{find}\2\x0A')

    Good thing though colors can be redefined trough menu Options > Colors > Disassembly in the Text Colors drop-down.

    Settings are saved into file %APPDATA%\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro\themes\dark\user.css

    Here's the Color code to menu item mapping

    Color #  HEX     COLOR_xxx               IDA Menu Item                        CSS Class                         
    1        '\x01'  COLOR_DEFAULT           Default                              qproperty-line-fg-default         
    2        '\x02'  COLOR_REGCMT            Regular comment                      qproperty-line-fg-regular-comment 
    3        '\x03'  COLOR_RPTCMT            Repeatable commen                    qproperty-line-fg-repeatable-comment
    4        '\x04'  COLOR_AUTOCMT           Automatic comment                    qproperty-line-fg-automatic-comment
    5        '\x05'  COLOR_INSN              Instruction                          qproperty-line-fg-insn            
    6        '\x06'  COLOR_DATNAME           Dummy Data Name                      qproperty-line-fg-dummy-data-name 
    7        '\x07'  COLOR_DNAME             Regular Data Name                    qproperty-line-fg-regular-data-name
    8        '\x08'  COLOR_DEMNAME           Demangled Name                       qproperty-line-fg-demangled-name  
    9        '\x09'  COLOR_SYMBOL            Punctuation                          qproperty-line-fg-punctuation     
    10       '\x0A'  COLOR_CHAR              Char constant                        qproperty-line-fg-charlit-in-insn 
    11       '\x0B'  COLOR_STRING            String constant                      qproperty-line-fg-strlit-in-insn  
    12       '\x0C'  COLOR_NUMBER            Numeric constant                     qproperty-line-fg-numlit-in-insn  
    13       '\x0D'  COLOR_VOIDOP            Void operand                         qproperty-line-fg-void-opnd       
    14       '\x0E'  COLOR_CREF              Code reference                       qproperty-line-fg-code-xref       
    15       '\x0F'  COLOR_DREF              Data reference                       qproperty-line-fg-data-xref       
    16       '\x10'  COLOR_CREFTAIL          Code reference to tail byte          qproperty-line-fg-code-xref-to-tail
    17       '\x11'  COLOR_DREFTAIL          Data reference to tail byte          qproperty-line-fg-data-xref-to-tail
    18       '\x12'  COLOR_ERROR             Error or problem                     qproperty-line-fg-error           
    19       '\x13'  COLOR_PREFIX            Line prefix Regular function         qproperty-line-pfx-func           
    20       '\x14'  COLOR_BINPREF           Opcode bytes                         qproperty-line-fg-opcode-byte     
    21       '\x15'  COLOR_EXTRA             Extra line                           qproperty-line-fg-extra-line      
    22       '\x16'  COLOR_ALTOP             Alternative operand                  qproperty-line-fg-alt-opnd        
    23       '\x17'  COLOR_HIDNAME           Hidden name                          qproperty-line-fg-hidden          
    24       '\x18'  COLOR_LIBNAME           Library function name                qproperty-line-fg-libfunc         
    25       '\x19'  COLOR_LOCNAME           Local variable name                  qproperty-line-fg-locvar          
    26       '\x1A'  COLOR_CODNAME           Dummy code name                      qproperty-line-fg-dummy-code-name 
    27       '\x1B'  COLOR_ASMDIR            Assembler directive                  qproperty-line-fg-asm-directive   
    28       '\x1C'  COLOR_MACRO             Macro                                qproperty-line-fg-macro           
    29       '\x1D'  COLOR_DSTR              String constant in data directive    qproperty-line-fg-strlit-in-data  
    30       '\x1E'  COLOR_DCHAR             Char constant in data directive      qproperty-line-fg-charlit-in-data 
    31       '\x1F'  COLOR_DNUM              Numeric constant in data directive   qproperty-line-fg-numlit-in-data 
    32       '\x20'  COLOR_KEYWORD           Keywords (offset, byte ptr, near)    qproperty-line-fg-keyword         
    33       '\x21'  COLOR_REG               Register name                        qproperty-line-fg-register-name   
    34       '\x22'  COLOR_IMPNAME           Imported name                        qproperty-line-fg-import-name     
    35       '\x23'  COLOR_SEGNAME           Segment name                         qproperty-line-fg-segment-name    
    36       '\x24'  COLOR_UNKNAME           Dummy unknown name                   qproperty-line-fg-dummy-unknown-name
    37       '\x25'  COLOR_CNAME             Regular Code Name                    qproperty-line-fg-code-name       
    38       '\x26'  COLOR_UNAME             Regular Unknown Name                 qproperty-line-fg-unknown-name    
    39       '\x27'  COLOR_COLLAPSED         Collapsed line                       qproperty-line-fg-collapsed-line