I have the following function to get all of the different types of end-of-line delimiters in a file. There may be one or more, so I want to return an array of all types.
function ddtt_get_file_eol( $file_contents, $incl_code = true ) {
$types = [
$found = [];
foreach ( $types as $type ) {
if ( $type == '\r\n' ) {
$regex = "/\r\n/";
} elseif ( $type == '\n' ) {
$regex = "/(?<!\r)\n/";
} else {
$regex = "/\r(?!\n)/";
if ( preg_match( $regex, $file_contents ) ) {
$found[] = ( $incl_code ) ? '<code class="hl">'.$type.'</code>' : $type;
return $found;
} // End ddtt_get_php_eol()
The problem I am having is that it is recognizing \r\n
as two separate types and outputting [ '\n', '\r' ]
. I want to output [ '\r\n' ]
if it is just using that type, or [ '\r\n', '\n' ]
if using both types, etc. How do I modify my code to correctly fetch all types used?
Let me guess, you are a developer who wants perfect identification of newline sequences regardless of the environment AND you want to keep all of your hair?
PHP has had a solution for this for a long time and it doesn't involve Minoxidil; just use \R
. I'll replace each newline sequence with an asterisk to show how it reliably respects all possible newline sequences across all environments and treats them as whole newline sequences whenever appropriate.
Code: (Demo)
$inputs = [
'Windows' => "Dog\r\nCat\r\nMouse",
'Linux' => "Bicycle\nCar\nTrain\nAirplane",
'Mac' => "iPhone\riPod\rMacBook",
'Win + Linux' => "int main() {\n return 0;\r\n}\n",
'All mixed up' => "This is a Windows new line\r\n, followed by a Linux new line\n and finally an old Mac with a single carriage return\rat the end",
preg_replace('/\R/', '*', $inputs)
array (
'Windows' => 'Dog*Cat*Mouse',
'Linux' => 'Bicycle*Car*Train*Airplane',
'Mac' => 'iPhone*iPod*MacBook',
'Win + Linux' => 'int main() {* return 0;*}*',
'All mixed up' => 'This is a Windows new line*, followed by a Linux new line* and finally an old Mac with a single carriage return*at the end',
If you need an array of newline sequences, just use preg_match_all()
with the same, lone pattern. Demo
foreach ($inputs as $env => $input) {
preg_match_all('/\R/', $input, $matches);
Relevant reading on implementations of \R