
pip install quickfix failed in windows

I'm trying to install the quikcfix library on my windows machine. The python version is 3.12.2. However I get the below error.

python bdist_wheel did not run successfully
exit code: 1
[7 lines of output]
Testing for std::tr1::shared_ptr...
...not found
Testing for std::shared_ptr...
...not found
Testing for std::unique_ptr...
...not found
 error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools":

I installed the Microsoft C++ build tools as well. But it still gives the same error. Can anyone suggest a solution for this error


  • Download the quickfix from here:

    What I see from the link,

    the latest version of python which supports quickfix is 3.9

    It will not work for python 3.12

    enter image description here