Generally when writing unit tests, we create classes from interfaces and create mock classes for tests. e.g.
class TestedClass {
TestedClass(std::shared_ptr<IDependency> dependency_ptr){...}
So it is easy to mock the dependency here by just inheriting from IDependency
, like:
class MockDependency: public IDependency {
But how do we follow that approach for third party libraries? In this particular case, I am using httplib::Client
. Since it is a concrete class from a thirdparty vendor, how can I mock that to test my own class which uses this class (injected via dependency injection)?
I doubt you are using every method httplib::Client
can offer, so try to design your own interface that is enough for your application, e.g.:
class IHttpClient {
virtual ~IHttpClient() = default;
virtual std::string get(std::string url) = 0;
// more interfaces
Then your production implementation can be e.g. like this:
std::string get(std::string url) override {
httplib::Client cli(url);
auto res = cli.Get("/hi");
// error handling, maybe throw something
return res->body;
and in the tests you can have
ON_CALL(mockClient, get(matchingUrl)).WillByDefault(Return("expected reply"));