
Using a color scheme and legend labels in plot_model

I would like to plot the results of a multilevel model in R, specifically to illustrate an interaction effect, using plot_model from sjPlot. I would like to use a specific color scheme and I would also like to label the three levels of the legend (low, medium, high). However, when I try to do both of these things, the shading reverts to the default color scheme.

Here is a reproducible example of what I've tried, using a merTools dataset.



m1 = lmer(mathach ~ ses + meanses + ses*meanses + (1|schid), data=hsb)

p1<-plot_model(m1, type="pred", terms= c("ses","meanses"), 
               colors= colors, legend.title = "Mean SES")+
  labs(y="SES", x="Mean SES", 
       linetype = "meanses") +
  scale_color_manual(labels = c("Low (-1 SD)", "Average", "High (+1 SD)"), values=colors) 

This gets me the message "Scale for colour is already present. Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale."

enter image description here

If I leave out the scale_color_manual code, I get the coloring that I wanted, but not the legend labels I wanted.

enter image description here


  • To add your labels and apply your colors for both the color and the fill aesthetic add aesthetics = c("color", "fill") to scale_color_manual.

    Using a minimal reproducible example based on the default example from ?lme4::lmer:

    #> Loading required package: Matrix
    colors <- c("red", "darkred", "pink")
    sleepstudy$foo <- rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 60)
    m1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + Days * foo + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
    p1 <- plot_model(m1,
      type = "pred", terms = c("Days", "foo"), 
      colors = colors, legend.title = "Mean SES"
    ) +
        y = "SES", x = "Mean SES",
        linetype = "meanses"
      ) +
        labels = c("Low (-1 SD)", "Average", "High (+1 SD)"), values = colors,
        aesthetics = c("color", "fill")
    #> Scale for colour is already present.
    #> Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.