
Jupyter notebook kernel crashes when importing xarray

I'm trying to import xarray in my Jupyter Notebook and when I run the cell

import xarray

the following error appears: "The Kernel crashed while executing code in the current cell or a previous cell. Please review the code in the cell(s) to identify a possible cause of the failure. Click here for more info. View Jupyter log for further details."

I have tried restarting the kernel several times, uninstalling and reinstalling xarray and even increasing my memory by adding the cell

import os

before the import but none of it has worked. I foun online that it is also possible other dependent packages could cause the package to fall over, and they suggest to start a new environment. Is there a way to solve it without starting a new environment?


  • After trying everything I found online, I solved it. None of the methods for increasing the RAM limits for Jupyter Notebook were working. However I installed xarray with conda, i.e, conda install "xarray[complete]" it works. Apparently, this has to do with some prerequisites of the xarray module. Before, I was installing it with pip install "xarray[complete]".