
Looping through PL/SQL collection using oracledb npm library

I am using oracledb npm library to call a PL/SQL function with OUT parameter defined as a collection.

FUNCTION f_get_messages_for_processing (
  y_message_list        OUT thrgtw_adapter.tc_pcrf_message

tc_pcrf_message is defined as follows:

create or replace type thrgtw_adapter.to_pcrf_message is object (
  id_message           number,
  message_type         number,
  msisdn               varchar2(15)

create or replace type thrgtw_adapter.tc_pcrf_message is table of thrgtw_adapter.to_pcrf_message

How can I access and loop through messageList in javascript? I am calling PL/SQL function as follows:

const statement = `
    :ret := thrgtw_adapter.api_pcrf.f_get_messages_for_processing(:messageList);

const variables = {
  ret: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: oracledb.NUMBER},
  messageList: { dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT, type: 'THRGTW_ADAPTER.TC_PCRF_MESSAGE'}

return await db.execute(statement, variables);

The problem is that when I write the result to console, I can see the data, I just don't know how to access it, since none of the following things work:

const resultSet = await dbCommands.getMessagesForProcessing();

console.log(typeof resultSet.outBinds.messageList) // output 'object'
console.log(Object.keys(resultSet.outBinds.messageList)) //output ['_impl']
resultSet.outBinds.messageList.forEach((item) => { // fails TypeError: resultSet.outBinds.messageList.forEach is not a function

First console log outputs following data, so according to typeof resultSet.outBinds.messageList it's an object, but no curly brackets in output. Object.keys returns an array with one value '_impl'

  { ID_MESSAGE: 1, MESSAGE_TYPE: 31, MSISDN: '421000000001' },
  { ID_MESSAGE: 2, MESSAGE_TYPE: 32, MSISDN: '421000000002' },
  { ID_MESSAGE: 3, MESSAGE_TYPE: 32, MSISDN: '421000000003' },
  { ID_MESSAGE: 4, MESSAGE_TYPE: 32, MSISDN: '421000000004' }

So what can I do to loop through messageList?


  • Check out this part of the documentation, specifically chapter 15.2. It mentions the attribute dbObjectAsPojo, which, when set to true, will cause the database to return plain JSON objects (POJO) and not the Proxy(DbObject).