
Word Heading Styles Keep Resetting Paragraph Spacing

I made a Word template which works great, everything works perfectly apart from the Headings which if you reset styles/template ends up back with a -1.3cm paragraph spacing.

I fixed everything manually, created a new normal.dotm. Deleted the old one, then replaced with the new one...

lo and behold... the -1.3cm issue is back again!

enter image description here

Anyone have any ideas on how to make the manual changes permanent? Ideally I want to create a new 'normal.dotm' that others can just copy to their machine to make their life easier. All of the other styles are fine, the colours are fine... it's just this one issue that keeps resetting.

When looking through the styles xml there doesn't seem to be any specifics relating to paragraph spacing...


  • I was able to fix this issue by going to Design > Set as Default after making my adjustments, this then overwrote the original template and so far whenever I reset or copy it seems to work ok.