
How can I modify this script to select any folders dated in the last 12 months?

I have a folder directory (shown below) that contains folders titled "year-month." They will be continuously added over time. I am trying to write a python code that selects any files in folders dated in the last 12 months.

enter image description here

I've built code to always select the files in the current year-month folder and it works. If I ran this i'd get all the files in the 2024-06 folder since that is the current month and year. How can I modify this script to grab every folder from the last 12 months?

today =
year = today.strftime("%Y")
output = r"'F:\\6 - Business Units\\Sun Pacific Farming Cooperative\\B - General\\17 - GIS\\Drone Imagery\\RBG\\Monthly\\" + year +"-" + month + "\\'"


  • Here's a possible solution: The idea is to check the creation time of each file via Path.stat().st_ctime and to build a list of files within the appropriate date range as defined by the oldest timestamp (today - 365 days). The datetime module handles calculating the timedelta as well as formatting the st_ctime info into a usable timestamp for comparison.

    import datetime as dt
    from pathlib import Path
    root = Path('<your path here>')
    oldest = - dt.timedelta(days=365)
    files = [
        f for f in root.iterdir() 
        if dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(f.stat().st_ctime) >= oldest