
I'm getting and unhandled promise rejection that I need correct syntax for in nodejs

I've created a module that is pulling data from binance us api, but I can't seem to send that variable to any other file properly. I'm trying to create a function that pulls a variable each time it runs and send it to be used as a dynamic variable in another file.

This is my updated function code from discussions below in /modules/Tradepair.js:

async function getTradepair() {
  const apiUrl = "";
  // Make a GET request
 let data ;
    const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
    if (!response.ok) {
       throw new Error("Network response for pair was not ok");
     data = await response.json();
    //  console.log(data);

 } catch (error) {
     console.error('There was a problem with the fetch operation:', error);
  const max = data.reduce(
      (a, b) => (a.priceChangePercent > b.priceChangePercent ? a : b), data[0]);
  console.log(`Max Symbol from API: ${max.symbol}`);
  console.log(`Max Percent from API: ${max.priceChangePercent}`);
  const tradingPair = max.symbol;
  console.log(`Assigned to Trading pair variable: ${tradingPair}`);
  return tradingPair; // Return the tradingPair variable
module.exports = getTradepair;

This is the updated version from discussions below:

const Wolf = require("./modules/Wolf.js");
const getTradepair = require("./modules/Tradepair.js"); //file-name where you have defined this `getTradepair()` function.

async function getData() {
  try {
    const data = await getTradepair();
    console.log("From index:" + " " +data);
    return data;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error fetching data:", error);

const config = {
  // tradingPair: process.env.TARGET_ASSET + process.env.BASE_ASSET,
  tradingPair: getData(),
  profitPercentage: Number(process.env.PROFIT_PERCENTAGE) / 100,
  budget: Number(process.env.BUDGET),
  compound: process.env.COMPOUND.toLowerCase() === "true",
  profitLockPercentage: Number(process.env.PROFIT_LOCK_PERCENTAGE) / 100,
  stopLimitPercentage: Number(process.env.STOP_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE) / 100,

const wolf = new Wolf(config);

And this is the error I keep getting:

Max Symbol from API: VITEUSDT
Max Percent from API: 6.467
Assigned to Trading pair variable: VITEUSDT
From index: VITEUSDT
            triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

[UnhandledPromiseRejection: This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). The promise rejected with the reason "false".] {

Node.js v20.12.1
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...


  • Before the Promise gets resolved this getData() is executed in a synchronous manner which is not a valid practice and that is why you are seeing this error.

    After defining the getTradepair() as an async function import and execute this function like this.

    const getTradepair = require('./modules/your-file-name'); //file-name where you have defined this `getTradepair()` function.
    async function getData(){
     try {
            const data = await getTradepair();
            return data ;
         } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
     getData().then((data) => {
       const config = {
         // tradingPair: process.env.TARGET_ASSET + process.env.BASE_ASSET,
         tradingPair: data,
         profitPercentage: Number(process.env.PROFIT_PERCENTAGE)/100,
         budget: Number(process.env.BUDGET),
         compound: process.env.COMPOUND.toLowerCase() === "true",
         profitLockPercentage: Number(process.env.PROFIT_LOCK_PERCENTAGE)/100,
         stopLimitPercentage: Number(process.env.STOP_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE)/100
       const wolf = new Wolf(config);
       console.log(wolf); // you can also console to see your expected result 
      } ).catch((error) => {
         console.error("Error:", error);

    Try the above code.I am sure you will not get this UnhandledPromiseRejection error. Still if it doesn't go along the way then please don't bother to ask for help.