
Convert avro file to json with powershell

I'm capturing data in avro via Azure EventHub so it can be handled via a Azure Automation Runbook. The issue I'm facing is when I try to parse the avro file to be used in a powershell script.

Here the content of the file. enter image description here

    Objavro.codecnullavro.schemaì{"type":"record","name":"EventData","namespace":"Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging","fields":[{"name":"SequenceNumber","type":"long"},{"name":"Offset","type":"string"},{"name":"EnqueuedTimeUtc","type":"string"},{"name":"SystemProperties","type":{"type":"map","values":["long","double","string","bytes"]}},{"name":"Properties","type":{"type":"map","values":["long","double","string","bytes","null"]}},{"name":"Body","type":["null","bytes"]}]} Êg;Ï7ˆ@žkß6Þ¿¼¬.

16904(6/25/2024 5:50:16 AM&x-opt-enqueued-time ¸–߉d  ²{"value":[{"subscriptionId":"5exxxxa10333","subscriptionExpirationDateTime":"2024-06-28T00:23:31.567249+00:00","changeType":"created","resource":"Users/2ffxxxx81-a8d0xxxx83c/Messages/AAMkAxxxxxB7VrlAAA=","resourceData":{"@odata.type":"#Microsoft.Graph.Message","@odata.id":"Users/2ffxxxx-9f81-a8d****83c/Messages/AAMkAGY4xxxxxAAKB7VrlAAA=","@odata.etag":"W/\"CQAAABYAAxxxxxA38cxAAKB/4Iw\"","id":"AAMkAxxxxxxlAAA="},"clientState":"MlaxxxxyJ.MF7kmc3z","tenantId":"e1fxxxxxc83"}]}Êg;Ï7ˆ@žkß6Þ¿¼

I tried to parse the file with the pwsh module AvroTools but the read-avro cmdlet returns a PSCustom Object that I can't use:

Fields        : {SequenceNumber, Offset, EnqueuedTimeUtc, SystemProperties…}
Count         : 6
SchemaName    : Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.EventData
Name          : EventData
Namespace     : Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging
Fullname      : Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.EventData
Documentation :
Tag           : Record

When checking the Fields, below the content:

Aliases       :
Pos           : 0
Documentation :
DefaultValue  :
Ordering      : ignore
Schema        : {"type":"long"}
Name          : SequenceNumber

Aliases       :
Pos           : 1
Documentation :
DefaultValue  :
Ordering      : ignore
Schema        : {"type":"string"}
Name          : Offset

Aliases       :
Pos           : 2
Documentation :
DefaultValue  :
Ordering      : ignore
Schema        : {"type":"string"}
Name          : EnqueuedTimeUtc

Aliases       :
Pos           : 3
Documentation :
DefaultValue  :
Ordering      : ignore
Schema        : {"type":"map","values":["long","double","string","bytes"]}
Name          : SystemProperties

Aliases       :
Pos           : 4
Documentation :
DefaultValue  :
Ordering      : ignore
Schema        : {"type":"map","values":["long","double","string","bytes","null"]}
Name          : Properties

Aliases       :
Pos           : 5
Documentation :
DefaultValue  :
Ordering      : ignore
Schema        : ["null","bytes"]
Name          : Body

I would like to retrieve the content as json like:



  • It looks like you're using Read-AvroSchema rather than Read-Avro to parse your file (both cmdlets are part of the AvroTools module that can be installed with, e.g., Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser AvroTools):

    Without having access to the source data in its original form (what is quoted in your question isn't valid as the content of an *.avro file), I think what will work is:

    # Extract the value of the "Body" field, assumed to be the JSON of interest
    # as bytes representing UTF-8 encoding.
      (Read-Avro yourFile.avro).Body
