
slimv - error connecting to clojure swank server

Tried to get slimv running today, but ran into an issue. These are the steps I went through:

Any ideas? I also tried using swank-clojure 1.2.1 and clojure 1.2.


  • There seems to be a python related problem in macvim (see this thread for example). Some macvim snapshots work, some don't. A user tried to compile a snapshot that was segfaulting with python support linked against 2.6 instead of 2.7, and it solved the crashes. So it must be a problem with the python 2.7 binding, try to change it to 2.6 if you can.

    You can verify the python version from within vim via this command:

    :python import sys
    :python print sys.version_info

    However, I'm not sure you have the same problem, as you did not mention any segfaults, but maybe the difference is that you use clojure instead of clisp.