
Simple vue component returns "Uncaught SyntaxError: import not found: default"

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here, I'm breaking some large components down into smaller components, and I've just created a component that is mostly empty like so:


  export default {
    data() {}

I call it in the parent component using <my-new-component /> (which works with all other components.)

And in the parent component's script tag I have

import MyNewComponent from "path"; // everything directs correctly when I click on the component name and path in my IDE

export default {
  components: {

I can't get rid of the Uncaught SyntaxError: import not found: default within the MyNewComponent.vue file

This is how I'm using all my other components, what am I forgetting here? I'm on Vue 2.7


  • OP fixed the issue by wrapping the divs into a template tag like so

    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          // cool code here

    Here is a reminder as of why data should return a function.