
NDK at C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\26.1.10909125 did not have a file

I have tried to install SDK (latest version) from Android studio, soon after running react-native run-android, i get an error telling me that "NDK at C:\Users\HP\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\26.1.10909125 did not have a file"

Unfortunately when i run react-native doctor, everything is green checked. An error occurred after installing react-native-screens.

I have tried to clean gradlew by navigating to the project root directory and unfortunately i get an error telling me that gradlew in not recognized as internal command from CMD


  • The solution: Trying to upgrade ndk from v 26.1.10909125 to the upper one solved the problem.

    Navigate to android folder in your project, inside it open build.gradle, change ndkVersion to 27.0.11902837.

    Or go to your ndk path and delete installed ndk and reinstall them again.